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Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration PSS – APRIL UPDATE Kathy Jocoy, PSS Program Manager Kim McFall, PSS Supervisory Contracting.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration PSS – APRIL UPDATE Kathy Jocoy, PSS Program Manager Kim McFall, PSS Supervisory Contracting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration PSS – APRIL UPDATE Kathy Jocoy, PSS Program Manager Kim McFall, PSS Supervisory Contracting Officer GSA, FAS Region 10 PSS – APRIL UPDATE Kathy Jocoy, PSS Program Manager Kim McFall, PSS Supervisory Contracting Officer GSA, FAS Region 10 April 22, 2015

2 Federal Acquisition Service 2 PSS Solicitation Launch Date – October 1, 2015 PSS Modification Notification date for all existing contract holders – August 1, 2015 Overview

3 Federal Acquisition Service 3 Migrations – Current Status  Ongoing work with firms who hold two or more contracts under affected programs to migrate those contracts.   *440 affected firms  91 migrations completed   Approximately 220 outstanding migrations yet to be submitted.  Migrations team meets regularly to share situations encountered. *(Data collected 04/21/2015)

4 Federal Acquisition Service Migrations A migration is not the time to make changes of any type to a pre-existing schedule contracts!  Intent is to move single schedule contracts as awarded *without negotiations.  *Contracting Officer will use their business judgment when determining if a change is allowed and/or required. . 4

5 Federal Acquisition Service Migrations  Firms with two or more contracts must migrate. Failure to do so will result in contracts slated for migration no longer being visible after October 1 st. SINGLE SCHEDULE CONTRACT HOLDERS ARE NOT IMPACTED! 5

6 Federal Acquisition Service Migrations  Remember your migration: Receipt letter and Award letter (once migration process is completed) contain useful information to assist you, your customer and GSA in making this a smooth transition. 6

7 Federal Acquisition Service Migration REMINDERS FOR MIGRATED FIRMS ONLY AFTER YOUR SINGLE SCHEDULE CONTRACTS HAVE BEEN MIGRATED: 1. You will use the new contract number (GS-00F-xxxxx) for all new work 2. Money follows the contract! You will report sales under the contract which the task order was placed against. 7

8 Federal Acquisition Service Migration  3. The Most important Reminder is –  Agencies can ONLY find you after you upload your new file to GSA Advantage!® 8

9 Federal Acquisition Service Important Reminder Regarding the Complementary SINs C132-51, C595-21, C871-202, C871-207, C871-208, C871-211  These SINs cannot be used as “stand alone” SINs – they can only be used as ancillary services to a total solution.  Firms who provide these services in a stand alone fashion are encouraged to secure a contract under the respective program. 9

10 Federal Acquisition Service Complementary SINs – Center POCs  SIN 595-21: Schedule 738X: Region 2 POC: Nelson Jaquez || (212)  SIN 132-51: Schedule 70: IT Acq.Center POC: Dennis Harrison || (202)  SINs 871-202, 207, 208, 211: Schedule 03FAC  Region 6 POC: Janet Haynes || (816) 823-1297 10

11 Federal Acquisition Service 11 Reminder for ALL Schedule Holders  Firms holding only one contract and those who are migrated to and/or currently hold a contract under 00CORP will receive a modification on or about August 1, 2015 advising of PSS conversion, effective October 1, 2015. Until that time each contract remains under its current program name and proceeds “business as usual.”

12 Federal Acquisition Service ALL Schedule Holder - Reminders No action required from firms who hold only one contract (regardless of program name On or about August 1, 2015 all contract holders will receive a mass mod which must be accepted. On or about October 1, 2015 the new PSS solicitation will issue and ALL contract holders will receive a mass mod executing modification instructions for new services which must be! 12

13 Federal Acquisition Service New Offers  Current Status of Offers in House - on average 40-50 offers are processed each month.  Existing Contract Holders – Do not submit a new offer for additional services. Wait time for offer evaluation is +12 months – wait time for modification evaluation is estimated to be 45-60 days = Faster to modify!  First time Offerors – Submit your offer under FCO-00CORP- 0000C. Please do not submit under the individual Schedule solicitations (eg. MOBIS, etc) 13

14 Federal Acquisition Service Legacy Contractors in Final Option  LEGACY firm is defined as: A contractor who currently holds a MOBIS OR FABs contract in its final option period. “Legacy” does not apply to any other program!  Legacy firms in their final option period who do not participate in any other affected program - Submit new offer under 00CORP as soon as final option is exercised! DO NOT WAIT!  Legacy firms in their final option period who have other contract affected by the PSS transition - DO NOT HESITATE – MIGRATE! 14

15 Federal Acquisition Service Legacy Contractors in Final Option Legacy submittal questions should be directed to Randy Sheppard, Acting Director of the Pre award Acquisition team at // 253-931-7459 15

16 Federal Acquisition Service Training  Monthly Industry webinars will be conducted through October 2015.  Visit Interact for upcoming dates. 16

17 Federal Acquisition Service Key Message/Value Proposition Consolidating GSA’s Professional Services Schedules will provide agencies a total service solutions to complex professional services requirements using ONE contract vehicle as versus multiple contracts. One PSS saves time and eliminates confusion often associated with managing a cadre of contracts to successfully complete requirements within a timely, efficient manner. Customer can still access whether by name or SIN. (No change to key word searches!) 17

18 Federal Acquisition Service Points of Contact  Professional Services Schedule (PSS)   Kathy Jocoy, Program Manager for PSS 253-931-7080 //  Migration related questions: Kim McFall, Supervisory Contracting Officer, Migration Team  253-931-7277 //  New Offer related questions and Legacy Offer related questions:: Randy Sheppard, Acting Director, PreAward Acquisition Division 253-931-7459 // 18

19 Federal Acquisition Service 19 Presentation and Questions & Answers will be posted to

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