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NERD BOOK By Emily Thielke. TPR temperature pulse respiration T: 99.5 –102.5 T: 100.5 – 102.5 P: 60 -180 P: 140 - 220 R: 10 – 30 R: 24 - 42.

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Presentation on theme: "NERD BOOK By Emily Thielke. TPR temperature pulse respiration T: 99.5 –102.5 T: 100.5 – 102.5 P: 60 -180 P: 140 - 220 R: 10 – 30 R: 24 - 42."— Presentation transcript:

1 NERD BOOK By Emily Thielke

2 TPR temperature pulse respiration T: 99.5 –102.5 T: 100.5 – 102.5 P: 60 -180 P: 140 - 220 R: 10 – 30 R: 24 - 42

3 Abbreviations AD - Right Ear AL - Left Ear AU - Both Ears BAR - bright, alert responsive QAR - quiet alert responsive ADR - ain’t doing right SID - once every 24 hours BID - every 12 hours TID - every 8 hours QID - every 4 hours C-S or c/s - coughing, sneezing V - vomiting D - diarrhea FB - foreign body HBC - hit by car ID - intradermal IM – intramuscular IN – intra nasal IP – intraperitoneal WNL – within normal limits IV- intravenous IC - intracardiac CRT - capillary refill time PO - per os (by mouth) NPO - nothing by mouth NSF - no significant findings R/O - rule out Qs - quantity sufficient OD - Right eye OL - Left eye OU -Both eyes EOD - every other day Q - every h - hour d - day TLC - tender loving care UA - urinalysis URI - upper respiratory infection UTI - urinary tract infection BCS - body Condition Scoring ROM - range of motion MM - Mucus Membrane SX - surgery SQ - Subcutaneous TX - Treatment DX - diagnose Qh4 - every 4 hours PE - physical exam

4 SOAP  S – subjective  Owner/our opinions  Chief complaint- what are they here for?  O – Objective  PE findings/test results  A – Assessment  Rule outs, possible diagnoses  Doctor usually does  P – Plan  Final diagnoses and treatment plan

5 Dog  Groups:  toy, terrier, herding, working,  hound, sporting and non-sporting  Dentition:  Puppies – 28 teeth  Adults – 42 teeth  retained – adult teeth come in and baby teeth don’t fall out.  Reproduction:  Heat Cycle – Estrus  Pro estrus – 9-10 days  attractive and bloody  Estrus – 9-10 days  receptive and straw colored  Di estrus – 9-10 days  An estrus – 4-7 months  Gestation: 63days  Development :  neonatal- 0-13 days  transition- 13-21 days  socialization- 21-49 days

6 Common Dog Terms  Bitch  Intact Female  Brachycephalic  smooshed in face  Breed  variety of dogs with constant traits  Crop  ear surgery  Dock  altering of the tail  Dog  male  Feathering  long fringes of hair on legs, tail, ears and skirt (belly)  Pedigree  listing of recent ancestors  Purebred  parents and ancestors are all same breed  Registration-  proof that they are purebred  Stud  intact male used for breeding  Whelp  to give birth

7 Cat  Social Structure:  Colony- eversible  Urban- interrelated, Multi female and multi male  Rural- multi female one male  Dentition:  Kittens- 26 teeth  Adults- 30 teeth  Reproduction:  seasonally poly estrus – many heat cycles  Gestation: 63 -65 days  Development:  average litter size is 4  weaning- 4 weeks  socialization- 2-7 weeks for humans  12 weeks for other cats

8 Common Cat Terms  Clowder  group of cats  Clutter  Group of kittens  Tom  Intact male  Queen  Intact female  Kitten  Baby cats  DLH  Domestic Long Hair  DMH  Domestic Medium Hair  DSH  Domestic Short Hair  Polydactyl  Many toes  Feral  Wild cat  Onychectomy  declawing  Allogrooming  Grooming other cats  Jungle Pouch  Belly fat  Sebaceous Glands  temporal- below ears  Submental- base of chin, lips, between digits  Perianal region- base of the tail, anal glands

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