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Topic: Improving services for road crash victims and their families. Presented by: Casey Marenge.

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1 Topic: Improving services for road crash victims and their families. Presented by: Casey Marenge

2  Kenya- Amongst the Top 10 countries with the highest road crash rates globally.  41 deaths per 100 million vehicle kilometres in Kenya.  1 death per 100 million vehicle kilometres in the U.S.A  Road crash injuries mainly affect bread-winners.

3 Measures to ease the burden Financial Support The Issue The Solution  90% of road crash deaths occur in developing countries  A large percentage of families lack health insurance  A well-structured compensation program  Affordable health insurance  Social security benefits for transport users

4 Accessible Transportation  Inaccessible transportation for road crash victims  Private transportation- an expensive option  Accessible transportation should be introduced especially in developing countries  Transportation costs should be subsidised for road crash victims

5 Education Opportunities The Issue The Solution  Road crashes are the N0. 1 cause of death amongst the youth  Lack of funds  Inaccessible structures  Social stigmatization  Lack of facilities  Subsidized education fees  Accessible educational facilities  Accommodating disabled victims in classes

6 Employment Opportunities Annual economic cost of road crashes to low and middle income countries estimated at between $65 billion - $100 billion ( ) Majority of road crash victims are bread winners Equal employment opportunities should be provided

7 Improving services at the scene of road crash.  Mishandling of victims at scene of road crash  Safe-guarding of victims personal belongings  Immediate police and medical response  On-scene investigations should be intensified to determine cause of crash.

8 Ways of improving services for road crash victims/families Affordable and accessible equipment Affordable therapeutic services  Post-crash disabled victims should be provided with affordable equipment  Wheelchairs cost €300  Exorbitant expenses lead to lack of necessary equipment  Donations should be made to road crash victims  50% of road crash victims with head injuries do not recover  Subsidized physiotherapy should be provided for road crash victims  Training should be provided to family members

9 Improving services for road crash victims Counseling services should be provided for both victims and their families Funding should be provided to initiate programs to integrate victims back into society Information should be made more accessible to both victims and their families Respect should be accorded during trial cases and the process made less intimidating Insurance companies should make immediate payments

10 TAKE ACTION! Every three minutes a child is killed on the world`s roads 1.2 million people are killed every year-1.2 million families affected! Over 50 million people are left injured and disabled as a result of road crashes every year! Reach out to road crash victims and their families!

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