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The 2004 Official ECR Europe Conference & Marketplace 24 - 26 May 2004, Brussels.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2004 Official ECR Europe Conference & Marketplace 24 - 26 May 2004, Brussels."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2004 Official ECR Europe Conference & Marketplace 24 - 26 May 2004, Brussels

2 Agenda Objectives Target group Conference theme Programme grid Planning Marketplace Visuals

3 10 Conference objectives 1. Deliver maximum value to all participants by challenging ourselves 2. Have consumers at the heart of ECR by serving them best 3. Support ECR Europe objectives & activities - (Re)demonstrate that collaboration delivers by showing KPI driven projects and measured outputs - Reflect the work streams with a special emphasis on the learning agenda. - Show that ECR becomes a real knowledge chain with highly skilled practitioners / agents of change

4 10 Conference objectives 4. Focus on collaborative developments to grow the cake, gaining consumer loyalty and higher spending through understanding consumer behaviour and shopping insights 5. Attract more retailers through focus on implementation, simplification and driving efficiencies 6. Enlarge ECR Europe attendance from SME’s 7. Strengthen ECR Europe as platform for GCI developments, by showing the adoption and implementation of new standards (e.g. data synchronisation projects, RFID)

5 10 Conference objectives 8. Help to get consumer’s trust in food safety through focus on traceability and crisis management 9. Look “out of the box” and abroad to bring ‘new news’ and visionary developments to the participants 10. 10 years ECR at the crossroads of Europe: Brussels

6 Target group Top and middle managers from companies in the consumer goods sector who should be interested in the potential of ECR collaborative practices for improving their business

7 Shared Learning. Better Shopping Implementing ECR: the 2004 official ECR Europe conference and marketplace Conference theme

8 The consumer Attracting retailers and manufacturers Innovation Collaboration Learning organisation KPI driven from project to process Conference theme Shared Learning. Better Shopping Implementing ECR: the 2004 official ECR Europe conference and marketplace

9 Programme grid

10 Considerations Attractiveness Refresh the format (and content) CEO availability: CEO Event and plenary sessions Marketplace: Ample time to visit, learn and network Timing The conference will be a efficient 2,5 day event Logistics: arrival and departure of attendees, catering, rehearsals

11 Tuesday 25 May 2004 Monday 24 May 2004 Wednesday 26 May 2004 09:00- 10:00- 11:00- 12:00- 13:00- 14:00- 15:00- 16:00- 17:00- 18:00- 19:00- 20:00- 21:00- 22:00- Marketplace Break-outs 2 Marketplace event Plenary 1 Plenary 2 Plenary 3 Reception GCI diner Registration Lunch & Exhibitor briefs break Break-outs 3 break Starters seminar Marketplace break Exhibitor briefs Company meetings Plenary 4 Break-outs 1 CEO event Registration

12 Planning AugustTheme generation Call for papers Exploratory meeting with consultants and academics SeptemberPre-announcement to CEO’s OctoberFinalising first announcement (key note speakers and subjects) November-Finalising programme for second announcement January February-MaySpeaker and slot lead management for final programme

13 Your input Call for papers on innovative projects and cases the best 2 cases of your most recent local ECR conference

14 Marketplace

15 Pricing : – - 10 % : bronze if booked before 15 Jan – - 20 % : silver if... + present in Berlin – - 25 % : gold if …. + host country exhibitor or present in Berlin and Barcelona Catering in the same hall as the Marketplace and registration Kiosk with Non Stop bands and one big high quality (sponsored ) evening show

16 Marketplace Send out proposals second week September ( budgets ) state of the art web interface Strong concept ( excellence in all ECR processes ) with top Belgian Retailers in preparation

17 Conference fees Unchanged regular fee ( 1450 euro) Early bird : - 200 euro for full fee and up to 8 weeks before the conference 999 euro : host country & local boards of the National Initiatives Special rate students Clear rules for free and variable fees

18 Improvement areas Exhibitor briefs Pre – conference press coverage More content in the Marketplace Audio Visual must be perfect Use of RFID Retail tours

19 Improvement areas Exhibitor briefs Pre – conference press coverage More content in the Marketplace Audio Visual must be perfect Use of RFID Retail tours

20 2005-2006-2007 2005 :10 TH conference – Paris confirmed : Palais des Congrès ( porte Maillot) Excellent location ; totally renewed 700 hotel rooms on walking distance 2006 : Stockholm, Milano, 2007 : Geneva

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