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UCD School of Politics and International Relations Scoil na Polaitíochta agus na nGnóthaí Idirnáisiúnta UCD UACES 2015 Workshop 6: Ben Tonra Capstone courses.

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Presentation on theme: "UCD School of Politics and International Relations Scoil na Polaitíochta agus na nGnóthaí Idirnáisiúnta UCD UACES 2015 Workshop 6: Ben Tonra Capstone courses."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCD School of Politics and International Relations Scoil na Polaitíochta agus na nGnóthaí Idirnáisiúnta UCD UACES 2015 Workshop 6: Ben Tonra Capstone courses & field trips: innovative contributions to assessment of multidisciplinary programmes

2 Outline of Workshop The challenge of truly multi-disciplinary European Studies programmes What are we trying to do/fix? Two options: –The field trip/study visit –The capstone programme Shared and contrasting experiences Open discussion and conclusions


4 The challenge of truly multi-disciplinary European Studies programmes Multi, inter and trans-disciplinarity… “European Studies” Accept equivalent silos and hope for synthesis? Build the connections and open the pathways Practical assessment issues –Disciplinary norms and expectations –Learning objectives and outcomes –Breaking the traditional matrix


6 What are we trying to fix? We are trying to get students to think in an integrated fashion, deploying the best available analytical tools to address/analyse a range of social phenomena Linking theory and practice ‘Real world’ engagement Breaking - or at least challenging – intellectual silos Freshen academic programmes Offering students something different and innovative; competing with one another for students


8 The Programme MEconSc European Economic and Public Affairs –Economics –Politics –Law –Business Based in a dedicated academic centre with autonomous budgeting and core staffing BUT reliant on traditional university disciplinary departments for teaching content and dissertation supervision

9 The Field Trip and Study Visit Two, 14-day study visits integral to initial programme design –Two weeks in Brussels, ased at residential conference centre Guest lectures and seminars, across range of disciplines Field trips; EU institutions in Brussels and Luxembourg, NATO, WEU (!) etc Students encouraged to arrange research interviews in support of final dissertation Professional networking –Two weeks at EUI Florence, Intensive academic lecture programme Research for dissertation Cultural visits

10 Assessment –Indirect via final dissertation –Direct via dedicated traditional written examination in additional to module/course based exams Challenges –Logistical and resource –Substantive (threat of academic tourism) –Pedagogic Learning objectives indeterminate Student anxiety Attributes –Professional –Academic –Social –Strategic

11 The Capstone Programme Introduced to strengthen multi-disciplinary character, professionalization Semester-long, autonomous research and learning, role play, group project on proposed/agreed ‘theme’ or issue Students to research issue and draw up a 5K final policy-based ‘report’, grounded in multi- disciplinary approach and directed to professional audience in formal presentation Presentation to a board of external, discipline- based assessors with detailed Q&A

12 Final assessment weighted between: –5,000 word paper graded by core academic staff –Group presentation –Individual learning journals Challenges –Pedagogic Student anxiety Group assessment Performance issues External assessors Attributes –Professional –Academic –Strategic

13 Shared and contrasting experiences

14 Discussion and conclusions

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