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Lecture 4 Title: Network Components and Types By: Mr Hashem Alaidaros MIS 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 4 Title: Network Components and Types By: Mr Hashem Alaidaros MIS 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 4 Title: Network Components and Types By: Mr Hashem Alaidaros MIS 101

2 Main Points Network Components Peer-to-Peer and Client-Server Network Network types: LAN, CAN, MAN, WAN Network Topologies

3 Network Networking and communication trends Convergence: Telephone networks and computer networks converging into single digital network using Internet standards Internet service provider (ISP): any company that provides individuals or organizations with access to the Internet Exercise: Draw the home network, starting from your PC to the Internet.


5 Network Components Network: Two or more connected computers Major components in simple network Client computer Server computer Network operating system (NOS) Hub or switch Router Modem Network interface cards (NICs): acts as an intermediary between the computer and the network Connection medium: Cables or wireless for transmission

6 Network Components

7 NOS: manages communication on the network and coordinates network resources. Hub: a device that connect network components, sending data to all other connected device. Switch: is more intelligent than a hub, it filter and forward data to specified destination on the network Router: is a communication processor used to route data through different networks, ensuring that the data sent gets to the correct address.

8 Peer-to-Peer and Client-Server There are two types of Networks in term of the relationship between computers: Peer-to-peer (P2P) network operating systems allow users to share resources and files (locally or globally) located on their computers and to access shared resources found on other computers (Each computer has equivalent responsibilities). Client/server network operating systems allow the network to centralize functions and applications in one computer to serve the clients. What are the differences between Peer-to-Peer network and Client-Server network?

9 Peer-to-Peer

10 Client-Server

11 Peer-to-Peer Advantages:  Easy to install  Cheap  No need administrator Disadvantages:  Decentralized - No central repository for files and applications.  Less secure  Limitation- Work well with 10 computers or fewer

12 Client-Server Advantages:  Centralized - Resources and data security are controlled and stored through the server.  Scalability – allow to increase the number of connected devices.  Flexibility - New technology (software) can be easily installed into computers.  More Secure. Why? Disadvantages:  Not easy to install  Expensive  Not easy to maintain

13 Client-Server Clients linked through network controlled by network server computer Server sets rules of communication for network and provides every client with an address so others can find it on the network The Internet: Largest implementation of client/server computing


15 Network types Types of Networks in term of size: 1. LAN 2. CAN 3. MAN 4. WAN What are the differences between them?

16 LAN LAN: Size: One building, roughly from 2 to 500 PCs Example: PSCJ college, a branch of a company Needed: Switch is needed to connect PCs and Servers No need: ISP connection Can be peer-to-peer and client-server In Wireless LAN, it called WLAN, or Wifi

17 CAN Campus Area Network (CAN): Size: Two buildings and above, more than one LANs connected, maximum of 1 Kilo Meter. Example:

18 MAN Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Size: bigger than CAN, maximum up to a city Need: Routers and ISP are needed In wireless connection, it called WiMax

19 WAN Wide Area Network (WAN) Size: used for long distance, more than one city connected. Example: WWW, Banks Needs: Routers and global ISPs

20 Network Topologies There are three types of network topologies: 1. Star Network 2. Bus Network 3. Ring Network

21 Network Topologies

22 Cont. In a star topology  all devices on the network connect to a single hub and all network traffic flows through the hub In a bus topology  one station transmits signals, which travel in both directions along a single transmission segment.  All of the signals are broadcast in both directions to the entire network.  All machines on the network receive the same signals, and software installed on the client’s enables each client to listen for messages addressed specifically to it

23 Cont. A ring topology  connects network components in a closed loop.  Messages pass from computer to computer in only one direction around the loop, and only one station at a time may transmit.  The ring topology is primarily found in older LANs using Token Ring networking software

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