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Prose Analysis Essay notes. AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes Before you write:  Read the prompt carefully. Twice. Make sure you understand what they want!

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1 Prose Analysis Essay notes

2 AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes Before you write:  Read the prompt carefully. Twice. Make sure you understand what they want!  Read the passage once slowly and ANNOTATE as you read: ○ Mark and label literary techniques ○ Mark patterns of motifs/details/etc ○ Underline main ideas/key points ○ Mark anything that stands out to you

3 AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes While you write:  STRUCTURE: Introduction can be one sentence- the thesis. Introduction must include: ○ Author’s full name (just the first time you write it, then always use just the last name) ○ Title of passage (punctuated correctly) ○ Your thesis (includes the techniques you will analyze in your essay) Note: No cheesy intros. If you can’t think of something catchy and interesting as an attention grabber, just do a one-sentence thesis Intro.

4 AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes Example one-sentence thesis Intro: In her novel Belinda, Maria Edgeworth uses a limited point of view, irony, and personification of the setting to characterize Clarence Hervey as a stereotypical pompous intellect.

5 AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes  While you write (continued): THE BODY OF YOUR ESSAY ○ Each paragraph might be about a different technique or part of the prompt (three paragraphs/techniques would be perfect) ○ Use lots of embedded quotations from the text (a “sprinkle” of quotations throughout your essay) ○ ANALYSIS ANALYSIS ANALYSIS!!!!

6 AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes  While you write (continued): No 1 st person (I, me, in my opinion, etc.) Do not address author by his/her first name only. You are NOT on a first name basis with the author. Embedded quotes are a must. A LOT of them. Do not try to analyze a technique you do not understand. Stick to the ones you know. No outside examples- all you have is the text! ○ Unless there is an allusion. Then, you can use your knowledge of said allusion to help your analysis.

7 AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes  Conclusion: Do NOT regurgitate your thesis. ○ That would be gross. Do NOT summarize your body in the conclusion. They already read it once. AP readers get angry when you repeat yourself. They’re not dumb. Have a real “bang” closing statement. One sentence closing is fine. A good strategy is to use an embedded quotation in your closing statement.

8 AP Prose Analysis Essay Notes  After you write:  PROOFREAD! Chances are you were writing at super sonic speeds and missed something that could easily be fixed.

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