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11 th Grade Course Selection Spring 2015. 11 th Grade Spring Registration Dates February 5 - 6: 11 th Grade Students receive registration information.

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1 11 th Grade Course Selection Spring 2015

2 11 th Grade Spring Registration Dates February 5 - 6: 11 th Grade Students receive registration information February 17 - 25 : 11 th Grade Students will enter their schedules through History classes * Students in ACC Classes should stop by before/after school during these dates. Mid-May: Students will receive course verification sheets to review choices

3 Class Selection for Fall 2015 - Directions Choose one: 1. English IV Core or AP (ACC classes will be changed once registration is completed) 2.Government and Economics Core or AP (ACC classes will be changed once registration is completed)

4 Choose 1 3.Science If you have completed Bio, Chem and Physics you will choose one  AP Phys I Forensic Science AP Phys II AP Bio AP Chem Med Micro/Patho Aqua Science Earth and Space Science Environmental Systems AP Environmental Science Anatomy and Physio Advanced Biotech Advanced Animal Science 4.Math If you have completed Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II you will choose one  AQR Core Stats AP Stats Core PreCal Pre-AP PreCal ________________________ AP Calc AB (after precal) AP Calc BC (after precal)

5 Choices 5-8: Electives (Below are the remaining graduation requirements) □ 1.0 P.E.- Athletics, Foundations of P.E., Dance, NJROTC, Marching Band (Fall only) □ 1.0 Fine Arts -Band, Orchestra, Dance, Theatre, Technical Theatre, Choir, Art □.5 Health □.5 Professional Communications (Speech) □ 2.0 LOTE (3.0 for DAP) □ 7.0 Electives

6 Additional classes  ACC Classes - Choose either Core or AP for your History and English selections on the Course Selection Sheet. Once students complete the entire registration process, their schedule will be changed to “College Courses” (mid-may).  PALS/Peer Buddies - Have an application process. Students schedules will be changed to these classes once they have been accepted into the class (mid-may).  Off periods - Seniors are allowed to have 2 off periods each semester (one on each day) provided you are on track for graduation.  Office aide - You will not be able to sign up for this course. You will need to fill out an application for office aide and be approved before you have it on your schedule.

7 Other notes  If you are planning on taking a class needed for graduation over the summer/online, etc…you will still need to schedule the course for next year. Once you provide proof that you have successfully registered, we will make the change to your schedule.

8 AP and ACC Credits

9 College credit opportunities in high school - AP Classes  Taught by GHS Teachers  College level curriculum  Students take exam in May (costs about $90)-can earn credit with a passing score (3, 4, 5 – score and credit earned varies by college)  Weighted points for GPA AP Credit Policies by College: ment/search-credit-policies

10 GHS AP Classes History AP Economics AP Government AP European History English AP English Literature Science AP Physics I AP Physics II AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science Math AP Calc AB AP Calc BC AP Statistics Languages AP Spanish Language IV AP Spanish Literature V AP German IV AP French IV Electives AP Psychology (11-12) AP Studio Art 2D (11-12) AP Student Art 3D (11-12) AP Music Theory (11-12) AP Computer Science (10-12)

11 College credit opportunities in high school – Dual Credit Classes  Taught by ACC Professors  College level curriculum  Can take 2 classes per semester starting summer after sophomore year (up to 12 classes = 36 college credits)  Students earn credit at Texas Public Colleges by passing  Weighted points for GPA (Highest grade a student can receive is a 95%, A=95, B=85, etc)  Students must pay for textbooks  FERPA- Grades are not available for GHS or for parents, only students have access to grades

12 College credit opportunities in high school – Dual Credit classes Steps to enroll: Step 1 APPLICATION Turn in ACC ID: February 27 Step 2 ORIENTATION (TOP) Certificate of Completion Due: February 27 Step 3 TESTING - College Readiness & Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) February 27 PAA Due (If testing is required): March 2 Step 4 ADVISING with High School Counselor AND ACC Advisor April 10 Attend session on April 24 Step 5 REGISTER for ACC Classes Attend session on April 24

13 ACC Classes offered at GHS-12 th Grade *Upon completion of English 1301 + English 1302 + British Literature, students will receive credit for English 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B ACC ClassGHS CreditWhen British Literature*English 4BFall 2015 Government 2305US GovernmentFall 2015 US History 1301Spring 2016 Economics Spring 2016

14 Career Cruising  Go to  User Name: GT- (school user name)  Password: school password Example: User: GT-abc123 Password: defg456 Select “Choose My Courses”

15  Use the website to request a  Some colleges may take 4 – 6 weeks to show that a transcript has been received.

16 Factors in College Admission

17 National Association for College Admission Counseling State of College Admission 2013

18 Why the wide variety of pieces to a college application?

19 Factors in College Admission Let’s talk about grades  “Although overall GPA serves as an indicator of a student’s academic success in high school, strength of curriculum—and particularly grades in college prep courses—are better indicators of a student’s likelihood of succeeding in college.” SOCA 2013  Grades and strength of curriculum go hand in hand

20 Factors in College Admission Admission test scores  100% of colleges requiring admission tests, accept either ACT or SAT  Over 800 colleges are test optional  Public schools more likely to consider these of considerable importance  Most colleges consider test scores official only if they are sent directly from the testing agency

21 Factors in College Admission Essay  Opportunity for the admission committee to better know the student  Student voice…  It’s not about what you’ve done, but who you are.  Spell check is not enough!  Fast-paste society  …done a lot of sole searching  …could hardly bare it  …a child now, but looking forward to adultery

22 Factors in College Admission Recommendation letters  Teacher rec – spotlight on personal knowledge of student  Counselor rec – floodlight on student in general  Not a repeat of the application/transcript  NOT always required

23 Factors in College Admission Class rank (my personal 4 letter word)  The Texas “top 10%” and UT exception  Within the context of YOUR school

24 That being said…  We live under the “Top 10% rule in Texas  In many ways, private college admission is more “holistic” than public college admission  Each college searches for their “best fit” students.

25 Factors in College Admission A word about extracurricular activities…  Do these reflect the interest and personality of the student?  Has the student demonstrated leadership?  Do colleges truly want a “well rounded” student?

26 Admission Terms I. Rolling Admission  Institutions review applications as they are submitted and make admission decisions throughout the admission cycle. May 1 reply deadline II. Regular Decision  Students submit an application by a specified date and receive a decision in a clearly stated period of time. May 1 reply deadline

27 Admission Terms III. Early Action (EA)  Students apply early and receive a decision well in advance of the institution’s regular response date. May 1 reply deadline IV. Early Decision (ED) (restrictive)  Students make a commitment to a first-choice institution where, if admitted, they definitely will enroll. The application deadline and decision deadline occur early.


29 Types of Admission Applications I. ApplyTexas ApplyTexas  All Texas public, some private and 2 year colleges  Scholarship application included

30 Types of Admission Applications II. Common Application Common Application  Over 500 member institutions nationwide  “Secondary Report” – from the counselor, is a major component

31 Resources Go to a trusted source…

32 NACAC National College Fair Austin Convention Center April 7 Register in advance National College Fair!!

33 Financial Aid Free Application for Federal Student Aid – FAFSA A required form for any student seeking need- based financial aid. FAFSA Texas Application for State Financial Aid – TASFA Seniors apply in January Both also in Spanish

34 Financial Aid Knowledge NASFAANASFAA National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators  Tips for unique student populations Office of Federal Student Aid  A resource of the US Department of Education  Learn about different types of financial aid and how to apply for them.

35 Free SAT Prep  Go to: satonlinecourseschool

36 ACT prep   100% of colleges accept either test

37 From me to you… The senior schedule IS important Now is the time to explore/research Authenticity is key Allow your student to drive the bus….its their trip

38 Questions? Loyce

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