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The Importance of Watershed Modeling for Conservation Policy Or What is an Economist Doing at a SWAT Workshop?

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Watershed Modeling for Conservation Policy Or What is an Economist Doing at a SWAT Workshop?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Watershed Modeling for Conservation Policy Or What is an Economist Doing at a SWAT Workshop?

2 Watershed Models Critical for Conservation Policy Analysis  Conservation policies need to be cost-effective Targeting, Targeting, watershed trading, watershed trading, put practices on sites that achieve greatest gain for the cost put practices on sites that achieve greatest gain for the cost  Policy Assessment Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act requires states to prepare estimates Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act requires states to prepare estimates “ of the environmental, economic and social costs and benefits needed to achieve the objectives of the CWA and an estimate of the date of such achievement.” “ of the environmental, economic and social costs and benefits needed to achieve the objectives of the CWA and an estimate of the date of such achievement.”

3 Iowa: Non-point Source Needs Assessment  CARD is working with DNR to provide such an estimate; how?  Combining simple economic models of costs with SWAT

4 Steps: Non-point Source Needs Assessment  Establish baseline, calibrate SWAT  Scenarios: 1. Identify set of conservation practices in each watershed, compute cost of those practices 2. Predict flow and water quality (sediment and nutrients) under this set of practices 3. Does it meet goal (“need”)? If no, repeat with more extensive conservation practices; if yes, write final report.

5 Other Applications  Nutrient Standard in Iowa Improved SWAT capabilities (buffers!) Improved SWAT capabilities (buffers!) Finer spatial scale (NRI level) Finer spatial scale (NRI level) Better cost information Better cost information  Detailed watershed studies Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Sny Magill Sny Magill South Fork South Fork  Upper Mississippi River Basin – Hypoxia

6 The USDA Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) Components and Reporting Scales National assessment of conservation benefits led by NRCS supported by ARS hydrologic modeling Watershed assessment studies (WAS) – jointly led by ARS and NRCS to provide more detailed information on conservation effects in benchmark watersheds.

7 ARS 12 Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (WAS) 2003-2007 S. Fork Iowa River Walnut Creek Mark Twain Reservoir U. Washita River U. Leon River Town Brook St Joseph River U. Big Walnut Creek Yalobusha River Little River Goodwin Creek Beasley Lake

8 Implement a system to compile and manage water, soil, management and economics data. Implement a system to compile and manage water, soil, management and economics data. Measure water quality, water quantity, soil and ecosystem effects of conservation practices. Measure water quality, water quantity, soil and ecosystem effects of conservation practices. Calibrate watershed models and quantify uncertainties of model predictions. Calibrate watershed models and quantify uncertainties of model predictions. Develop and apply planning tools for selection and placement of conservation practices. Develop and apply planning tools for selection and placement of conservation practices. Develop and verify regional watershed models to quantify environmental effects. Develop and verify regional watershed models to quantify environmental effects. Objectives of WAS

9 Water Quality Measures Nitrogen (nitrate, total, organic) Nitrogen (nitrate, total, organic) Phosphorus (total, dissolved, available) Phosphorus (total, dissolved, available) Sediment (concentration, particle size -- suspended, bed) Sediment (concentration, particle size -- suspended, bed) Pathogens (E. Coli) Pathogens (E. Coli) Pesticides Pesticides Annual, event, and seasonal loads Annual, event, and seasonal loads Temperature Temperature

10 Conservation Practice Categories Emphasized nutrient management nutrient management pest management pest management conservation buffers conservation buffers tillage management tillage management manure management manure management drainage management drainage management channel management channel management Land Conversion Land Conversion

11 Conservation Practices Buffers Drainage Manure Channel S. Fork Iowa River, IA Walnut Creek, IA Mark Twain Reservoir, MO Upper Washita River, OK Goodwin Creek, MS Yalobusha River, MS Beasley Lake, MS Leon River, TX Little River, GA Town Brook, NY St Joseph River, IN Upper Big Walnut Creek, OH NutrientPest Tillage Land Conversion

12 What are the measurable effects of CPs on environmental indicators at the watershed scale? What are the measurable effects of CPs on environmental indicators at the watershed scale? How does the location of CPs affect environmental indicators? How does the location of CPs affect environmental indicators? What is the appropriate time scale to expect changes in environmental effects? What is the appropriate time scale to expect changes in environmental effects? What are the environmental effects of multiple CPs. (+, -, *, ?) What are the environmental effects of multiple CPs. (+, -, *, ?) What are the optimal combinations and location of CPs to achieve environmental goals? What are the optimal combinations and location of CPs to achieve environmental goals? What are the risks and uncertainties associated with achieving these environmental effects? What are the risks and uncertainties associated with achieving these environmental effects? What social and economic factors facilitate or impede implementation of CPs within watersheds? What social and economic factors facilitate or impede implementation of CPs within watersheds? Watershed Assessment Questions

13 SWAT Applications for Climate Change  Variability of streamflow, sediment, and nutrient transport under current climate variability  Changes of streamflow, sediment, and nutrient transport in future scenarios of climate change  Attribution of current streamflow variability to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions

14 Climate Data Resources  Observed climate  Reanalyzed climate (1979 - present)  Future scenario climates at regional scale [(4 GCMs/current+4GCMs/future)x5 RCMs = 40 future scenario climates]  Pre-industrial climate at regional scales

15 Questions to be Answered  Will conservation practices implemented today be appropriately designed for future climates?  Can we design a fully integrated modeling framework that couples policy options and resulting management choices together with climate scenarios and hydrological consequences to develop science-based options for promoting profitable but sustainable use of land and water resources.

16 Water Quality Public Policy Incentives Climate Over UMRB Stream flow Soil Drainage Management Choices Crop Yield Land-use NNR OBS Soil Carbon Evaluate Sustainability and Profitability SWAT RCM Economic Model Crop Model GCM OBS Crop Production

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