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JSNA: Making It Happen Dr Renu Bindra Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Lead Department of Health.

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Presentation on theme: "JSNA: Making It Happen Dr Renu Bindra Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Lead Department of Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 JSNA: Making It Happen Dr Renu Bindra Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Lead Department of Health

2 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment JNSA: Progress and Good Practice Where are we now? What is happening across the country? How can we help you “make it happen?”

3 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Where are we now? Who? How often? What? Core dataset, tools and resources

4 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment NHS Operating Framework 2008-09 PCTs will: work closely with local partners to tackle major challenges in their community, particularly in conducting JSNA and LAAs develop a strategic plan by autumn 2008 describing the context for the next 3 to 5 years and is informed by the vital signs and the JSNA assure their SHA that relevant local priorities that are recognised in their JSNA directly inform the indicators they choose to recommend from the NIS

5 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Findings of the JSNA will inform the SCS and LAA targets and priorities SCS should contain the following elements: The long-term vision based firmly on local needs. Key priorities for the local area, based upon this vision which may realistically be achieved in the medium term – these will inform the LAA. Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act (2007)

6 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Informing Local Area Agreements

7 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment World Class Commissioning A statement of intent, aimed at delivering outstanding performance in the way health and care services are commissioned, leading to: better health and wellbeing for all better care for all better value for all

8 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment World class commissioning: competencies PCTs: Work collaboratively with community partners to commission services that optimise health gains and reductions in health inequalities Proactively seek and build continuous and meaningful engagement with the public and patients, to shape services and improve health Manage knowledge and undertake robust and regular needs assessments that establish a full understanding of current and future local health needs and requirements Prioritise investment according to local needs, service requirements and the values of the NHS

9 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment National JSNA Survey Jointly commissioned by Integrated Care Network and DH Undertaken by Health Services Management Centre Focus on adult health and social care, interagency relationships Aim of survey: –Explore what preparations underway –Barriers and enablers –Implication for delivery of NHS and LG White Papers Methods: Qualitative survey of all PCT CEs, DASS and DPH in England (n=459) Email questionnaire February 2008 Grounded approach

10 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Survey Questions –How are needs currently assessed? –Extent of joint working across health and social care –Extent of local people and service user involvement –Use of particular tools, data sources or techniques –Implications of JSNA duty –How will you develop current approaches to meet the duty? –Enablers and barriers –Requirements for additional support –Implications for White Paper delivery, in particular:  Care closer to home  Development of LAAs  Redesign of provider services –Examples of good practice

11 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Survey Results 87 responses from 72 local health and social care communities RespondentNumber DPH51 DASS19 PCT CE3 Joint submission14 Total responses87

12 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Survey Results Large amount of work already underway “A health and social care system……in which there might be too much information from too many different sources to provide a coherent overview” –Many areas working to make existing data more accessible and easy to interrogate –Significant investment in software packages and data systems to support needs assessment Availability of data currently weak in the following areas: –Mobile/transient populations i.e. students, economic migrants, asylum seekers –Social care and some local government data –Seldom heard groups Varied amount of joint working, not systematic –JSNA an enabler Patient and public involvement: –Less comfortable with involvement of local people –Need for a more coherent and systematic approach

13 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment How Can We Help You “Make It Happen?” To date: National guidance Core dataset Imminent: DH dedicated website APHO project Next steps: Translating JSNA into commissioning Public and patient involvement for JSNA Involving the third sector in JSNA Disseminating best practice Regulation and performance management

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