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© 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 | May 19, 2005 Tim deBoer WTP Server Tools Open House.

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1 © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 | May 19, 2005 Tim deBoer WTP Server Tools Open House

2 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 2 Agenda  Plugins  Contributors  API Status  Quality  Current work items

3 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 3 WST Server Plugins  Server Tools Framework  org.eclipse.wst.server.core*  org.eclipse.wst.server.ui*  org.eclipse.wst.server.util  Adds notion of a “server” to Eclipse  Starting/stopping servers, publishing, targeting projects, adding & removing modules  Framework for adding new server types  Servers view, wizards, editor framework, etc.  Ability to choose resource and Run on Server  Depends only on Eclipse * Contains API

4 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 4 WST Internet Plugins  TCP/IP Monitor  org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.core**  org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.ui**  Monitor for Web pages, Web services  Shows request from client and the server’s response  Useful for understanding applications, debugging, etc.  Supports TCP/IP and HTTP  View bytes, images, or XML ** Contains provisional API

5 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 5 WST Internet Plugins  Web Browser utilities  org.eclipse.wst.internet.webbrowser  The internal Web browser and support for launching external browsers moved into Eclipse in 3.1M6  Utilities for the Eclipse browser plugin  Easily switch between browsers, toolbar button to open internal browser

6 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 6 WST Internet Plugins  Proxy Settings  org.eclipse.wst.internet.proxy  Manage internet proxy configuration and JRE properties  Preference page  HTTP proxy servers and firewalls  Authenticating proxy servers  SOCKS  Likely to move to Eclipse 3.2

7 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 7 WST Internet Plugins  Internet Cache  org.eclipse.wst.internet.cache  Caches documents requested from the internet  Currently only used by the XML resolver

8 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 8 JST Server Plugins  J2EE server utilities  org.eclipse.jst.server.core*  org.eclipse.jst.server.ui  Generic Server support  org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.core*  org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.serverdefinition  org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.ui  Adds support for J2EE servers to be defined using plain XML files  No code required, add support for a new server in minutes .serverdefinition plugin contains adapters for WebLogic, JONaS, and JBoss

9 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 9 JST Server Plugins  Apache Tomcat Server support  org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core  org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.ui  Apache Geronimo Server support  org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.core  org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.ui

10 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 10 Server Tools Contributors  Gorkem Ercan  Generic server support and adapters for JONaS, WebLogic, JBoss  Larry Isaacs (SAS)  Tomcat support  Tim deBoer (IBM)  Server Tools framework, TCP/IP monitor, Tomcat support  Elson Yuen (IBM)  Server Tools framework  Ted Bashor, Thomas Yip, Konstantin Komissarchik (BEA)  Server Tools API  Tim Francis (IBM)  Geronimo support

11 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 11 API Status  Done! … almost  API is basically ready to go. Based on past experience we’re reasonably comfortable with the current content  Reasonable validation through several servers and API users in WTP  BEA and IBM are both in the process of validating the API internally  Provisional APIs:  TCP/IP Monitor  Parts of server tools relating to features

12 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 12 Quality  Initial code contribution was shipped in previous products. Although it has undergone lots of cleanup and refactoring since then, much of the code is still stable  We’ve been fixing bugs continuously to keep the code relatively stable throughout  Bugs have been slowing growing – 30 currently on queue  Still some work to do to get ship-ready

13 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 13 Current Work Items - Assembly  Each server type has it’s own requirements on assembly  Does it happen on build or on publish?  Do utility projects get jarred up? Does complete EAR file get created?  The current.deployables directory is server specific and should not be in the workspace  Working with J2EE team and BEA to define an assembly mechanism  Provide support to assemble modules in.metadata  Assembly can be done via a builder or as part of a publish  Everything is under the server’s control

14 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 14 Current Work Items - Features  Proposal from BEA to enable/disable fine grained features on a module/component  Allows better control over classpath, UI, and which servers support a module that has extensions  Recently deferred to 1.1  Marking affected classes as provisional API  Still investigating to keep options open and migration low

15 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 15 For more information  Component overviews  Overviews exist for all three components (wst.internet, wst.server, jst.server) on the WTP website  Some documentation about specific function:  Run on Server  Generic servers  EclipseCon presentation  API – javadoc in code or in online help  Bugzilla  Feel free to open enhancement requests for unclear javadoc, further documentation you’d like to see, etc.

16 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 16 Help Needed  We’re not done yet!  If you are planning on using or building on WTP, we can use your help with:  API review  Bug fixes  Testing  JUnit tests  Feedback

17 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 17 Thank you Questions & Comments

18 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 18 Backup

19 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 19 What exactly is Server Tools?  Sub-component of WTP in both WST and JST  Server Tools provides:  Targeting applications to a specific server  Adding & removing projects from servers  Publishing applications to a server  Starting & stopping servers  Implementations for specific servers:  Tomcat, JBoss, …

20 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 20 Server Tools Components  The server tools framework supports any server, not just J2EE  Support in both of the WTP subprojects:  wst.server  Server Tools framework (.server.core)  Server Tools UI (.server.ui)  jst.server  J2EE server tools (.server.*)  Generic J2EE server framework (.server.generic.*)  Tomcat, JBoss support, …

21 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 21 Users of Server Tools APIs  Server Providers  Add support for additional servers  E.g. Tomcat, JBoss  Module Providers  Add additional module types and Run on Server support  E.g. J2EE Tools  Client App Providers  Provide clients for Run on Server  E.g. Web browser  Client Users  Use API to configure and launch servers, check runtime target, etc.  E.g. Web Services, DD editors

22 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 22 Model Overview Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Server 1 Server 2 Runtime 1 Server 2

23 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 23 Modules  A module is content that can be deployed to a server  Typically a project or folder (e.g. Web module) within the workspace, but can consist of anything  Extension Points:  moduleTypes  Define a new type of module  moduleFactories  Provide factory for creating and discovering modules of a specific type  Provides module delegates with a specified interface

24 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 24 Runtimes  A runtime is an installed server on the local hard-drive  Executables, Jar files, etc.  Used for build-time compilation, validation  Extension points:  runtimeTypes  Define a new type of runtime and delegate class  runtimeLocator  Automatically locate new runtimes on disk  runtimeTargetHandler  Change what happens when a project (containing modules) is targeted to a particular runtime  Modify classpath, validation, etc.

25 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 25 Servers  A server is an instance of (handle to) a real server  Add & remove modules  Publish modules  Usually supports starting & stopping  Often based on a local runtime  Extension points:  serverTypes  Define a new type of server and delegate classes  Handles publishing, starting & stopping server, etc.

26 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 26 Run on Server support  Run > Run on Server menu item allows users to quickly choose/create a server and run module  Allows user to choose or create a server  Starts server, publish  Launches client application (e.g. Web browser)  To enable on a selection:  Adapt object to ILaunchable to make Run menu appear (via Eclipse debug support)  ModuleArtifactAdapter extension point provides enablement support  Adapt object to IModuleArtifact  Each server provides support via launchableAdapter ext. point  Clients (e.g. Web browser) can add support via clients ext. point

27 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 27 UI Support  Provided by org.eclipse.wst.server.ui  Servers view for creating and configuring servers  Preferences and property pages, etc.  Extension points:  images  Provide images for runtimes, servers, etc.  editorPages and editorPageSections  Provide sections and pages for the server editor  wizardFragments  Provide pages to appear when servers are created

28 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 28 Generic Server Introduction  Extension to WTP server tools  RuntimeTypes  ServerTypes  Design has its roots from Lomboz,  Community already familiar with its use  A special server and runtime that can adjust behaviour  Server type definition files determine behaviour

29 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 29 Server type definiton file  XML based meta information  Validated against an XSD  Introduced using “org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.core.serverdefinition” extension  Virtually two parts  Properties  Derived information  Properties are variables that users provide values using server tooling UI  Derived info is information used by the generic server to perform server tooling functionality

30 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 30 Server type definition file example. <property id="serverRootDirectory" label="Application Server Directory:" type="directory" context="runtime" default="/your_server_root/appservers/jboss-3.2.3" />. org.jboss.Main ${serverRootDirectory}/bin -c ${serverConfig} jboss

31 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 31 Making sense of the server type definition files  : define a classpath used by other elements  : information for starting a server(classpath,class,vmarguments, etc.)  : information used for stopping a server  :port(s) to start server on  : classpath to provide when creating a project for this runtime  : information for each supported modules, such as publisher and type  : data used by different publishers when publishing to this server  :define variable data to be collected from user

32 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 32 Using metadata for UI  Property type determines the type of widget used  Context determines whether this is a server or runtime property  Currently 4 types are supported  Directory  String  Boolean  File

33 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 33 UI example <property id="jonasRoot" label="JonAS Installation Directory:" type="directory" context="runtime" default="/your_server_root/JOnAS-4.1.4" /> <property id="jonasBase" label="JonAS Configuration Directory:" type="directory" context="runtime" default="/your_server_root/JOnAS-4.1.4" /> <property id="classPath" label="Classpath Variable:" type="directory" context="runtime" default="/your_server_root/JOnAS-4.1.4" />

34 WTP | Server Tools Open House | © 2005 by IBM; made available under the EPL v1.0 34 Generic publishers  Handles publishing modules to servers  Only part where you may need to code  Introduced using org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.antpublisher extension point  Extend GenericPublisher class  It is optional you may choose to use an existing publisher  ANT build file based publisher is available part of the core package  More general publishers to come...

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