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PAHO-99 050TEN99 1 Pan American Health Organization Workers’ Health in the Region of the Americas REGIONAL PLAN REGIONAL PLAN.

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Presentation on theme: "PAHO-99 050TEN99 1 Pan American Health Organization Workers’ Health in the Region of the Americas REGIONAL PLAN REGIONAL PLAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAHO-99 050TEN99 1 Pan American Health Organization Workers’ Health in the Region of the Americas REGIONAL PLAN REGIONAL PLAN

2 PAHO-99 050TEN99 2 Pan American Health Organization Worker’s Health Strategic and Programatic Orientations 1999-2002 Strategic and Programatic Orientations 1999-2002 Resolution XIV 1990 Resolution XIV 1990

3 PAHO-99 050TEN99 3 Pan American Health Organization Worker’s Health Current Situation Trends Inequities Institutional Vacuum Current Situation Trends Inequities Institutional Vacuum Response Regional Plan of Workers’ Health

4 PAHO-99 050TEN99 4 Pan American Health Organization Worker’s Health Human Sustainable Development

5 PAHO-99 050TEN99 5 Pan American Health Organization Economically Active Population (EAP) EAP Region EAP USA and Canada EAP Latin America and Caribbean EAP Region EAP USA and Canada EAP Latin America and Caribbean 351 millions 100% 150 Millions 42.5% 201 Millions 57.5% 351 millions 100% 150 Millions 42.5% 201 Millions 57.5%

6 PAHO-99 050TEN99 6 Pan American Health Organization Determinants factors Labor Market - Income Work Organization Labor Force Composition Occupational Risks

7 PAHO-99 050TEN99 7 Pan American Health Organization Transitional Economies -Multinationals Corporations -Medium - Small Industries -Informal Sector 51.6% Informal Sector 20- 40% Incomes below cost of basic Market Baket 8.5% Unemploment Transitional Economies -Multinationals Corporations -Medium - Small Industries -Informal Sector 51.6% Informal Sector 20- 40% Incomes below cost of basic Market Baket 8.5% Unemploment Work Profiles

8 PAHO-99 050TEN99 8 Pan American Health Organization Social - Environmental - Sanitary Inequities * Income differences rich/poor: 20:1 * Formal Sector with Occupational Services: 30% * Informal Worker: > Risks < Income < Protection < Access * High Risk groups: Women, Children, Migrants, Indigenous, Elderly * Income differences rich/poor: 20:1 * Formal Sector with Occupational Services: 30% * Informal Worker: > Risks < Income < Protection < Access * High Risk groups: Women, Children, Migrants, Indigenous, Elderly

9 PAHO-99 050TEN99 9 Pan American Health Organization Profile of the Working Woman Participation Rate 45% Women labor force remunerated 30% Informal Work 30-50% Average hrs/week 80 Salary Difference Men-Women 40-71% Participation Rate 45% Women labor force remunerated 30% Informal Work 30-50% Average hrs/week 80 Salary Difference Men-Women 40-71%

10 PAHO-99 050TEN99 10 Pan American Health Organization Profile child labor - LAC 15 millions (OIT) - USA 4 millions (OIT) - 20% children 10-14 years old working ( UNICEF )

11 PAHO-99 050TEN99 11 Pan American Health Organization Risk Profiles Ergonomic Biological Physical Chemical Psychosocial Ergonomic Biological Physical Chemical Psychosocial

12 PAHO-99 050TEN99 12 Pan American Health Organization Risk profiles Hypertension Poor access to drinking water and unhealthy sanitation Alcohol consumption Malnutrición Malnutrition Lack of physical activity High-risk sexual behavior Employment Tobacco use Atmospheric pollution Drug abuse 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of deaths

13 PAHO-99 050TEN99 13 Pan American Health Organization Risk Profiles 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Years of Life with Disability Hypertension Poor access to drinking water and unhealthy sanitation Poor access to drinking water and unhealthy sanitation Alcohol consumption Malnutrition Lack of physical activity High-risk sexual behavior Employment Tobacco use Atmospheric pollution Drug abuse

14 PAHO-99 050TEN99 14 Pan American Health Organization 36 Injuries/minute 5 Million /year 90,000 fatal injuries 300 workers die daily 36 Injuries/minute 5 Million /year 90,000 fatal injuries 300 workers die daily Impact: Occupational Injuries

15 PAHO-99 050TEN99 15 Pan American Health Organization Notified Occupational Diseases and Injuries California, USA 1989 Gonorrhea Syphilis Hepatitis AIDS Shigellosis Salmonellosis Tuberculosis Measles Amebiasis Chicken pox Gonorrhea Syphilis Hepatitis AIDS Shigellosis Salmonellosis Tuberculosis Measles Amebiasis Chicken pox Repetitive stress injuries Contusions, lacerations Fractures Burns Acute pesticide poisoning Carpal tunnel syndrome Cancer Pneumoconiosis Amputation Lead poisoning Repetitive stress injuries Contusions, lacerations Fractures Burns Acute pesticide poisoning Carpal tunnel syndrome Cancer Pneumoconiosis Amputation Lead poisoning 74,195 18,106 11,081 6,481 5,224 4,212 1,568 3,053 1,000 5,468 40,490 9,740 2,118 1,800 1,596 1,000 1,100 2,024 103,270 199,038 Occupationals Transmisibles

16 PAHO-99 050TEN99 16 Pan American Health Organization Occupational Diseases Notification in Latin America And The Caribbean 1% - 5% of all cases

17 PAHO-99 050TEN99 17 Pan American Health Organization Unemployment Social Injustice Syndrome Occupational Cancer Occupational Cancer Reproductive Problems Reproductive Problems Occupational stress Occupational stress Osteomuscular Problemas Osteomuscular Problemas Accidents Hearing Loss Cardiovascular Diseases Endemic diseases Homicides Suicides Violence Alcoholism Poisoning Respiratory Problems Respiratory Problems

18 PAHO-99 050TEN99 18 Pan American Health Organization Workers’ Health Response Labor Organizations Private sector Organizations National Governments Other key actors - Collaborating Centers - NGOs - Universities - Media International Organizations

19 PAHO-99 050TEN99 19 Pan American Health Organization Regional Plan for Workers’ Health Principles Universality Equity Participation Comprehensive Coherence Opportunity

20 PAHO-99 050TEN99 20 Pan American Health Organization REGIONAL PLAN: purpose To contribute to an improvement in the working environment, living conditions, health status and general well-being of workers, to advance towards sustainable human development with equity and social justice

21 PAHO-99 050TEN99 21 Pan American Health Organization REGIONAL PLAN : Programatic Areas Policy and Legislation Policy and Legislation Political normative frame work Political normative frame work Primary Health Care Comprehensive Health Services Comprehensive Health Services Primary Prevention Quality of Work Environment Quality of Work Environment Healthy Workplaces Workers’ Health Promotion

22 PAHO-99 050TEN99 22 Pan American Health Organization WORKERS’ HEALTH PREVENTION Premarket Testing Substitution and Elimination Engineering Control Environmental Monitoring Personal Protective Devices Primary Prevention Primary Prevention Biological Monitoring Preclinical Medical Examination Secundary Prevention Secundary Prevention Diagnosis Therapy Rehabilitation Tertiary Prevention Tertiary Prevention

23 PAHO-99 050TEN99 23 Pan American Health Organization REGIONAL PLAN : Environmental Quality Surveillance systems and Hazard control Suavidero- Saiso Collection and Distribution of Information Development of human resouces: Industrial Higiene, Ergonomics, Toxicology, Epidemiology others. Instruments and programs for intervention Surveillance systems and Hazard control Suavidero- Saiso Collection and Distribution of Information Development of human resouces: Industrial Higiene, Ergonomics, Toxicology, Epidemiology others. Instruments and programs for intervention

24 PAHO-99 050TEN99 24 Pan American Health Organization REGIONAL PLAN : Policy and Legislation Explicit Policies Modern Legislation National - Subregional Plans Reform Process Integration Process Development process Explicit Policies Modern Legislation National - Subregional Plans Reform Process Integration Process Development process

25 PAHO-99 050TEN99 25 Pan American Health Organization REGIONAL PLAN: Worker’s Health Promotion Healthy People in Healthy Environment New Work Culture Personal and Collective Development Raising Awareness Cummunity Participation Primary Environmental Care Healthy Cities, Healthy School, and other New Work Culture Personal and Collective Development Raising Awareness Cummunity Participation Primary Environmental Care Healthy Cities, Healthy School, and other

26 PAHO-99 050TEN99 26 Pan American Health Organization REGIONAL PLAN: Comprehensive Health Services Prevention, Promotion, Medical care, Rehabilitation Ministry of Health Social Security Private Services Workers’ Clinics Prevention, Promotion, Medical care, Rehabilitation Ministry of Health Social Security Private Services Workers’ Clinics

27 PAHO-99 050TEN99 27 Pan American Health Organization WORKERS’ HEALTH

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