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Soc 329 Slammed Mother Jones Slammed: The Coming Prison Meltdown 2008.

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1 Soc 329 Slammed Mother Jones Slammed: The Coming Prison Meltdown 2008

2 Soc 329 Slammed “Welcome to the age of incarceration” US 5% of global population, 25% of global prisoners “The land of the free has become the world’s leading jailer”

3 Soc 329 Slammed The numbers are staggering but nobody noticed …. until the economic meltdown From 200,000 to 1.5 million in prison Jails add nearly another million 1 in 100 adults in jails or prisons 1 in 40 if parolees and ex-cons included

4 Soc 329 Slammed “America is expert at turning citizens into convicts, but we've forgotten how to transform convicts back into citizens.” “It's not just that we send so many people to prison, but that we keep them there for so long and send them back so often.’

5 Soc 329 Slammed Article documents some of the destruction To people To families To communities

6 Soc 329 Slammed Hard Time Out BW/ZT extending to children Police patrolling schools – kids treated as adults

7 Soc 329 Slammed Convicting California “… the nation’s most dysfunctional prison system” Update: In May the USSC affirmed lower court ruling that Calif system unconsti and ordered release of prisoners – Calif still resisting

8 Soc 329 Slammed Donald Specter - Prison Law Office Funded by legal fees from lawsuits! 12 lawyers – won numerous cases over 32 years “Runs” the prison system – one lawsuit at a time As frustrating as litigation is, it's the only thing that I've seen that's effective—and it's not very effective." Donald Specter

9 Soc 329 Slammed 1970 12 prisons 23,000 prisoners (normal imprisonment rate 100+/-) 2008 33 prisons 170,000 prisoners (IR over 500 per 100,000 pop)

10 Soc 329 Slammed Cost incr about 20x $10 billion year + $7 bill new const + $7 bill medical incr More than 50k per prisoner What do we get for the money? *** PICTURES

11 Soc 329 Slammed What drives this? Nationally the conservative turn in politics In Calif, add the prison guards union and “victim rights” groups CCPOA endorsed Brown and contrib $2 mill to his campaign for governor

12 Soc 329 Slammed When Prison Guards Go Soft 2008 CCPOA opposing new building, more prisoners But …. Now lobbying to protect pensions threatened by budget crisis While prisoners sent to county jails – shell game

13 Soc 329 Slammed The Calif Prison Health Care Receivership 2001 Fed lawsuit over health care 2002 Calif settled – agreed to changes did nothing 2005 Nothing changed - so Fed court estab Receivership to provide health care Removed control from Calif govt

14 Soc 329 Slammed 2008 Receiver plan approved by courts Calif cont to appeal case in Fed courts 2010 Some funding approved by legislature (with case pending at USSC) 2011 Calif loses case in USSC (5-4 vote) Ordered to reduce prison pop

15 Soc 329 Slammed Calif cases won by the Prison Law Office: Disability Rights Excessive force General Conditions Lifer Parole Considerations Juvenile Facilities Medical and Mental Health Care Parolee Rights

16 Soc 329 Slammed Since 2008, Calif has cut funding for rehab and education programs, sent more prisoners to out of state facilities, cut funding for changes in juvenile system continued to fight lawsuits in federal courts (and mostly lost) and conditions in Calif prisons have deteriorated more lawsuits and a hunger strike at Pelican Bay

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