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Java, Web Applications, and OSS Experience Prakash Malani Copyright © 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Java, Web Applications, and OSS Experience Prakash Malani Copyright © 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Java, Web Applications, and OSS Experience Prakash Malani Copyright © 2003

2 Categorization Reference Implementations Frameworks Tools / Utilities

3 Reference Implementations In Java there are many specifications for different technologies and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) An open source project implements various specification(s) The open source project becomes the reference implementation for the specification(s)

4 Reference Implementation Examples Tomcat Apache Jakarta project A reference implementation for specifications such as Servlets and Java ServerPages (JSPs) Pluto Axis

5 Frameworks The OSS frameworks enable faster and easier development They enable a programmer to be very productive They enable a developer to avoid common pitfalls They enable consistency within and across different projects

6 Framework Examples Struts Apache Jakarta project Enables faster and easier development of web applications instead of using straight Servlets and JSPs Hibernate Cocoon

7 Tools / Utilities The OSS tools and utilities play an integral part in developing software A tool drastically increases productivity A tool helps construction of better software

8 Tool / Utility Examples ANT Apache project Helps with compiling, building, and deploying of applications JUnit Eclipse

9 Things I used successfully ANT Jakarta Commons JDOM Jikes JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) JUnit Log4J Struts Tomcat Velocity

10 Things I used not so successfully Cactus Formatting Objects Processor (FOP)

11 Things I would like to use ArgoUML AspjectJ Axis Cocoon CruiseControl Hibernate JBoss or Geronimo or JOnAS Lucene Maven Pluto

12 Things I am not so interested (currently) Eclipse or NetBeans JXTA Xalan Xerces

13 The Good - Primary benefits Leverage the efforts of the community and not reinvent the wheel At least minimize initial cost

14 The Good - Secondary benefits Great development support usually via a mailing list Availability of source code We have used the OSS source code to find bugs in our own applications Ability to extend and contribute back Ability to fix critical bugs and errors and contribute back Faster time to market

15 The Bad No ONE to call (for support) Sometimes lots of thrashing of features No fixed timelines and timetables No push to fix bugs; hurts really bad then fix it ourselves Lack of documentation and examples

16 Conclusion Cannot live / code with it! Look for the tipping point: Pray, Play, and Program Give me more open source software!

17 References O'Reilly Network articles ( en_source_java) en_source_java Incorporating Open-Source Java Technology into Your Enterprise: Tips from the Trenches ( 2003/conf/sessions/display-3073.en.jsp) 2003/conf/sessions/display-3073.en.jsp

18 References O’Reilly Open Source Java Directory ( The Best Java Open-Source Tools ({D7A0F0 C5-6AC8-43F5-BB4F- FFD15DEE796D}/element_id~{F5D4C1CC-57E7- 4AD1-81DD-944FC539A590}/st~{822202F4-E865- 472D-B32F-BE77D3B7ACE1}/session_id~{E75B2206- C587-46EC-91C6- E6DD23250AA1}/content/articlex.asp){D7A0F0 C5-6AC8-43F5-BB4F- FFD15DEE796D}/element_id~{F5D4C1CC-57E7- 4AD1-81DD-944FC539A590}/st~{822202F4-E865- 472D-B32F-BE77D3B7ACE1}/session_id~{E75B2206- C587-46EC-91C6- E6DD23250AA1}/content/articlex.asp

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