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UKHLS Consultation Launch, 19/06/07, RSS Education, Human Capital and Work Mark Bryan ISER

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Presentation on theme: "UKHLS Consultation Launch, 19/06/07, RSS Education, Human Capital and Work Mark Bryan ISER"— Presentation transcript:

1 UKHLS Consultation Launch, 19/06/07, RSS Education, Human Capital and Work Mark Bryan ISER

2 UKHLS Consultation Launch, 19/06/07, RSS Types of measures and current practice Current education and training experiences Qualifications acquired (stocks of quals are initial conds) Labour market status (inc (self-)employed) and transitions; job search. Firm and job characteristics – occ, ind, firm size Experience of work/job – satisfaction, promotion opps, hours preferences… Earnings (inc overtime, bonuses) Time spent on work (broadly defined) and work schedules; commuting

3 UKHLS Consultation Launch, 19/06/07, RSS Types of measures and current practice Expectations and preferences (educ, training, promotion…). Pension arrangements and contributions Others… Commonly used surveys: –LFS, BHPS, cohort surveys –Skills Surveys, WERS –NES/ASHE

4 UKHLS Consultation Launch, 19/06/07, RSS Some top level issues Are new measures needed to extend current practice? What are specific benefits from household and longitudinal dimensions? Continuity wrt existing BHPS; comparability with other surveys (UK and international) Definition of work: market work (second jobs), housework, caring… How much information about employer and job characteristics, IR environment, job quality? What measures of education, training, skills? Labour market status and transitions; promotions

5 UKHLS Consultation Launch, 19/06/07, RSS Definitional and data collection issues Measures and components of earnings (gross/net, total earnings, hourly rates, overtime, bonuses,…) Measures of working time (total amount, overtime, scheduling patterns etc); reference periods (pay period, “usual” week etc)? How often should stocks of educational qualifications be updated? What measures of training and skill should be collected? Frequency of data collection, e.g. do job attributes need to be collected every year? Less frequently or on job change? Job and labour market transitions. Potential for administrative data linkage.

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