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©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 2/e PPTPPT.

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1 ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 2/e PPTPPT

2 ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 15 Creating a Career and Designing Résumés McGraw-Hill/Irwin

3 3 Creating a Career Creating a career means selecting the right field and matching your skills to the job you want and will enjoy. © Brand X Pictures/PunchStock

4 4 A Career-Finding Strategy Examine Your Professional Goals and Interests Find Out More Shadowing ◦business professional means to spend time watching him or her perform in the work environment

5 5 A Career-Finding Strategy Find Out More (continued)  Visit the campus career counseling center or placement office.  Check out employment planning and job listing websites on the Internet.  Network with professionals in the fields that interest you.

6 6 A Career-Finding Strategy Find Out More (continued)  Take a part-time or freelance job in the field.  Read trade journals.  Review classified ads in newspapers.  Write exploratory letters to companies.

7 7 A Career-Finding Strategy Create a Professional Inventory of Skills and Abilities ◊oral and written communication ◊second languages ◊problem solving ◊computer proficiency Take a Temporary Job

8 8 Designing Your Résumé Résumé ◦a written marketing tool that briefly summarizes your skills, abilities, education, and experience for a potential employer

9 9 Résumé Formats Chronological Résumé ◦a traditional format organized by positions held, starting with the most recent Functional Résumé ◦presents relevant skills and achievements in categories rather than under job titles. It does not require dates of employment or titles.

10 10 Résumé Formats Targeted Résumé ◦a customized format tailored to a precise career field or job. It contains only the content that applies to a set of job requirements. Integrated Résumé ◦includes aspects of all the other formats Scannable Résumé ◦formatted in plain text for electronic scanning systems

11 11 Résumé Formats TABLE 15.1Scannable Words

12 12 Sample Résumés Indicate date that degree will be completed. List courses related to the position you are seeking. Use bullets to identify accomplishments. Capabilities demonstrate skills you want to highlight. Boldface job titles and bullet major duties. Use dates to indicate time spent in positions. FIGURE 15.1 Chronological Résumé Format

13 13 Sample Résumés FIGURE 15.2Functional Résumé Format List courses that demonstrate competence in the field where you are seeking employment. Group career and other experiences into categories that emphasize relevant skills and strengths. Downplay scant work history by placing it at the end of your résumé.

14 14 Sample Résumés FIGURE 15.3Targeted Résumé Format List academic activities that are tailored to the field. Use a special heading to highlight work experience that matches the job or field. Limit experience listed to a specific job or career field. Other related academic activities and skills can be listed at the end of your résumé.

15 15 Sample Résumés FIGURE 15.4Integrated Résumé Format Bullet information in categories. Group related experience and skills in categories. List job experience from most recent first as you would using a chronological format. Separate responsibilities and accomplishments for each position. Place your education at the end of the résumé if it is not directly applicable to the position or if your experience is stronger.

16 16 Sample Résumés FIGURE 15.5Scannable Résumé Format Use key words that match the job description or listing. Use a single- rather than a two-column format. Use asterisks or hyphens rather than bullets for lists. Use white space so scanner can identify and read separate categories. If you indent, use the space bar rather than tabs. Avoid the use of bold, italic, or underlining when formatting the résumé.

17 17 Résumé Ingredients Identification ◦a heading centered on top of the first page of a résumé that includes your full name, home address, telephone number, and e-mail address Education ◦includes academic degrees earned, major field of study, date your degree was completed or anticipated, and your grade point average (GPA)

18 18 Résumé Ingredients Accomplishments ◦something you have achieved or produced by using your talent and skills Capabilities ◦the abilities you possess, such as communication skills, computer proficiency, and second languages Professional experience ◦full-time, parttime, volunteer, internship, and self-employment experience

19 19 Résumé Ingredients TABLE 15.2Action Verbs

20 20 Résumé Ingredients References ◦people who know you personally, your work, and your talents and who will recommend you for employment

21 21 Résumé Ingredients The Problems with Résumés  does not identify accomplishments or achievements  contains falsehoods & lies  is long & wordy  exceeds the need to know

22 22 Résumé Ingredients The Problems with Résumés (continued)  is scattered, jumbled, & hodgepodge  contains typos, poor grammar, & misspellings  uses “I,” “me,” & “my”  shows obvious employment gaps

23 23 Designing Cover Letters Cover letter ◦brief and persuasive application document that accompanies your résumé

24 24 Designing Cover Letters What Cover Letters Accomplish  Distinguish from other applicants  Illustrate knowledge of and interest in company  Identify how key skills and work experience can benefit the company and meet the requirements of the job  Demonstrate ability to express self as a business communicator

25 25 Designing Cover Letters Writing the Cover Letter Steps to Writing Cover Letters page letter; printed on same paper as résumé to specific person not “Dear Sir” or “Director” opening, emphasize letter’s purpose interest in body of letter highlighting qualifications 5.last paragraph motivates action and makes contacting you easy 6.thoroughly proofread your cover letter 7.remember to sign your cover letter (in ink)

26 26 Designing Cover Letters Types of Cover Letters Solicited applications ◦sent in reply to requests for résumés involving open positions Exploring opportunities ◦involves selecting a company and preparing a letter to request an informational meeting

27 27 Designing Cover Letters FIGURE 15.6Sample Solicited Cover Letter First paragraph identifies how you learned about the position and states that you are applying for the job. Duties and skills that match the job description can be bulleted. A proactive closing paragraph indicates that you will be following up to gain an interview.

28 28 Designing Cover Letters FIGURE 15.7Sample Exploring Opportunities Cover Letter First paragraph demonstrates knowledge of the company. Bullets highlight the most applicable qualities listed in the résumé. The close mentions résumé and initiates follow-up.

29 29 Finding a Job Networking ◦identifying and contacting people you know who can help you find a job or who may refer you to someone who can help

30 30 Finding a Job Network  Make an employers list  Write exploratory letters to companies on your list  Attend job fairs  Search the Internet  Websites for job listings and job fairs

31 31 Questions

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