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PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions & Support

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions & Support"— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions & Support
KHS is cruising their S.H.I.P.

2 PBIS: Team Members Jenny Esthay Heather Doucet Tim Gabor Polly Martin
Donald Richard Dusty Smith Marc Turner

3 Purpose of PBIS Teach and manage social behaviors directly and proactively (positively and preventively)... (Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative). Increase the success of social behavior to maximize academic success. Positive behavior more effective than problem behavior Create an even more positive environment throughout KHS

4 School-Wide Expectations “Climb aboard the Pirate's S.H.I.P.”
Success Honesty Integrity Pride

5 Teaching The Students Discuss "S.H.I.P.“
Model and teach expected behavior Reward/Reinforce Students will be called to the gym/cafeteria by grade level





10 Posting Expectations Classrooms (your rules) Gym Hallways Cafeteria
Bathrooms Bus Area

11 Pirate Bucks How to Earn Them? How to Redeem Them?

12 (Teachers’ Discretion) (examples)
Earning Pirate Bucks (Teachers’ Discretion) (examples) Behavior Pirate Bucks Earned Entire class completes and turns in homework for entire six weeks 50 Student completes and turns in all homework for three weeks 10 Entire class completes and turns in homework on time Student shows improvement on test scores and quiz scores Student displays proper behaviors and attitudes during school Student uses polite, respectful language (please, thank you, excuse me, ma’am, sir, etc.) Student performs “random act of kindness”

13 Earning Pirate Bucks (Mandatory) Pirate Bucks Behavior Earned
Please throw away!! All students on time for class when recognized by administration 10 All students in proper dress code when recognized by administration All students are present in class when recognized by administration **Rewards will be given during Homeroom!

14 Pirate Buck Purchase Prices
Name of Reward Pirate Buck Price Pirate Card 500 Homework Pass Free Dress Day Pass 400 Free Sports Admission Pass 300 Free Friday Jean Day Pass 200 Any Shoe Day Pass 150 Non-uniform Shirt Day Pass Any Sock Day Pass Hat Day Pass Front of the Lunch Line Pass 100 Locker Pass 50 Passes will be Dated

15 Rewards can be purchased
Fridays During Lunch for the following week

16 Infraction System *If students do not follow the rules, they must learn that consequences will follow!

17 Minor Infractions After-School Detention
Fill out form & send to office Must be preceded by a warning & modeling /teaching of correct behavior After 3 write ups = PBIS Committee

18 After School Detention Program
Kaplan High School After School Detention Program ____________________________ in ________ grade has been assigned to after school detention on _________________ by ___________________ ___________. (Date (1 day notice) (Teacher) Please circle: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday In AC Room or Class Rm # __________ Time: 2:30-3:40 Warning Date: ______________________________________ ____________________ has permission to attend the After School Detention Program. Transportation will be provided by the parent or guardian. The program will be conducted by School Personnel. Failure to attend, without advance notification, will result in A.C. Parent/Guardian Signature _______________ Date _____ Principal/Designee _______________

19 Examples of Behaviors by Severity
Minor Disruptive Talking Chewing Gum Running in hall Horseplay Accidental Profanity

20 Examples of Behaviors by Severity
Major Fighting Weapons Cursing Bullying Disrespect

21 Examples of Behaviors by Severity
Crisis Fighting Arson/Flammables Weapons Drugs Intruder Bomb threat

22 Major Infractions (VPSB Handbook)
Fill out form & send to office Handled by Administration

23 PBIS & Renaissance Six Weeks Awards

24 PBIS Challenge Make PBIS work for YOU!!

25 Free Jean Day Thursdays
4.0s (1st 2 weeks) ABC’s on report card(1st 2 weeks) Attendance (0-1 day absent)(3rd-4th) Discipline (no referrals or detention) (5th-6th) Awards for each …..$100 in Pirate Bucks

26 The PBS Team wishes you all a wonderful school year!
Let us know if you need any help!

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