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Ohio Career Information System Username: heathhs Password: ohiocis03 WRITE THIS DOWN!

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Career Information System Username: heathhs Password: ohiocis03 WRITE THIS DOWN!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Career Information System Username: heathhs Password: ohiocis03 WRITE THIS DOWN!

2 Write THIS down TOO To create your own account: Use LastName_ First initial Eg. Gibson_A Use your computer log-in password for your password. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long and include a number.

3 OCIS: What it is OCIS is an online system for accurate, current, and relevant occupational, post-secondary, military and financial aid information. OCIS contains the latest national, Ohio and local labor market data and job projections.

4 OCIS, con’t OCIS also includes information on: Job interview preparation Resume and cover letter creation How to land and keep a job Self-employment opportunities Military occupations

5 A College Degree Nearly Doubles Annual Earnings Workers 18 and over with bachelors degrees earn an average of $51,206 Those with a high school diploma earn $26,915.

6 More Sobering Stats

7 Interest Profiler The Interest Profiler can help you identify your interests and match them with a wide variety of careers. It organizes your interests in six broad categories of work. For each activity, choose whether you would like or dislike the activity. Don't worry if some of the activities are unfamiliar or require training that you do not have.

8 Career Cluster Inventory The Career Cluster Inventory can help you narrow down your occupational choices. Rate 80 activities on how much you think you would enjoy doing them. Most are things you have done before. Some of the activities are things you have not done before. For each activity, take a minute to imagine doing it. For example, what would it be like to act in a school play?

9 The SKILLS Inventory Helps identify occupations that use the skills you like to use. It also helps you recognize skills that transfer between occupations. For the best occupational match, select the maximum number of skills for each skill level: 5 Very Satisfying Skills 10 Moderately Satisfying Skills 20 Somewhat Satisfying Skills

10 SKILLS, con’t SKILLS rates the skills you select in several ways. It lists the Top 30 occupations that best match your skills. It calculates a Holland Personality Type based on your skills. It rates your skills to clusters of occupations. SKILLS also lets you compare your skills to the skills required by any occupation.

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