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The power to make decisions and administer them. The Governor General The Prime Minister The Cabinet The Public Service.

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Presentation on theme: "The power to make decisions and administer them. The Governor General The Prime Minister The Cabinet The Public Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 The power to make decisions and administer them

2 The Governor General The Prime Minister The Cabinet The Public Service

3 Chosen by the Queen with influence from the PM Gives formal assent to a bill before it becomes a law Represents the Queen Advisor ceremonies

4 Head of Government Asks GG to name new judges and senators Decides best time to ask GG to call an election Chooses Cabinet members Has final say Party Leader Acts as spokesperson for his/her party Gives out patronage appointments Rewards loyal supporters with Senate positions, diplomatic corps, or government-operated businesses Leads other party members in Parliament National Leader Addresses Canadians on issues of concern Explains goals of ruling party Represents Canada on trips to other nations Speaks on behalf of Canadians at international meetings Works with provincial premiers to coordinate and share responsibilities

5 Made up of elected party members chose by PM Each member given a certain department Responsible for department’s efficiency and effective operation Supposed to reflect cultural, linguistic, and social diversity of the nation Speak on behalf of their department in Parliament and in public Private Can express views frankly Public Must display full support of their leader (cabinet solidarity)

6 Group of permanent employees who perform ongoing business of government These are the people in direct contact with us “face” of the government Wide range of services Statistics, details for new laws, deliver mail, answer questions

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