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May 20, 2009 MeeNet, Thailand Micro-hydro, biomass, biogas: technology, cost, potential, applications Palang Thai.

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Presentation on theme: "May 20, 2009 MeeNet, Thailand Micro-hydro, biomass, biogas: technology, cost, potential, applications Palang Thai."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 20, 2009 MeeNet, Thailand Micro-hydro, biomass, biogas: technology, cost, potential, applications Palang Thai

2 Micro-hydro Costs: – $750 to $5,000 per kW huge range depends on local labor contribution, site topography – $0.04/kWh to $0.20/kWh Potential: Thailand – 700 MW+. Similar or greater potential in Laos, Vietnam. China Capacity factor: >0.5 Issues: important to ensure adequate flows (especially dry-season).

3 Micro-hydro technology Source: Inversin, A. R. (1986). Micro-Hydropower Sourcebook.

4 Micro-hydro technology PeltonTurgoCrossflowKaplan Centrifugal pump

5 Mae Kam Pong, Chiang Mai DEDE + community 40 kW 4 million baht cost ($130,000) Sell electricity to PEA – 400,000 baht/year ($13,000) VSPP subsidy: 0.8 baht/kWh

6 Mae Kam Pong, Chiang Mai 2 @ 20 kW Weir: 2 meters high, 15 meter wide Head: 55 meters Households: 190 Cost: 3.99 million baht Constructed in year: 2526 (1983)

7 Huai Krating, Tak Power: 3 kW Head: 35 meter Flow: 20 liters/second Cost: <200,000 baht (turbine - 24,500 baht) Constructed: 2548 (2005) Thai Potential: 10,000s of projects – 10s MW (?)

8 Kre Khi village, Tak Province 1 kW for school, clinic, church Cost: <150,000 (turbine 10,000) Head: 10 meters Flow: 15 lit/sec

9 Mae Klang Luang, Chaing Mai 200 watts 5,000 baht (turbine: 4,000 baht) Installed: 2550 (2007) Head: 1.7 meters

10 Biomass Costs: – $1300 to $2,000 per kW (?) – $0.04/kWh to $0.12/kWh (?) Fuels: bagasse, rice husk, wood waste Potential: Thailand – 7,000 MW (Ministry of Energy figure). Capacity factor: typically >0.5 Issues: air pollution (particulates), food vs. fuel.


12 Breakdown of economically viable biomass resource in Thailand Biomass resourceEconomic potential (MW) Bagasse1900 Biogas (cassava, pig, food waste)1185 Wood residues950 Rice husk100 Corncob54 Distillery slop49 Coconut43 Palm oil residues43 TOTAL4,324 Source: Black and Veatch (2000). Final Report: Thailand Biomass-Based Power Generation and Cogeneration Within Small Rural Industries. Bangkok, NEPO; NEPO/DANCED (1998). Investigation of Pricing Incentive in a Renewable Energy Strategy -- Main report. Bangkok. Bagasse figure from interview with interview with Sirisak Tatong, power plant manager at Mitr Phol sugar factory. Biogas from interviews with biogas developers

13 Rice husk fired power plant 9.8 MW Roi Et province VSPP: Subsidy 0.3 baht/kWh

14 Biogas Costs: – $1300 to $2,000 per kW (?) – $0.04/kWh to $0.12/kWh (?) Fuels: waste water from cassava, pig manure, brewing, sewage Potential: 300 MW+ (industry estimate for cassava alone) Capacity factor: typically >0.5 Issues: cleans up smells

15 Uses waste water from cassava to make methane Produces gas for all factory heat (30 MW thermal) + 3 MW of electricity 3 x 1 MW gas generators VSPP: Subsidy 0.3 baht/kWh Korat Waste to Energy - biogas

16 Biogas from Pig Farms Reduces air and water pollution Produces fertilizer Produces electricity 8 x 70 kW generator Ratchaburi Subsidy: 0.3 baht/kwh

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