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Length Volume Mass Temperature Time Pressure Energy Amount of a Substance Luminous Intensity Electric Current Meters (m) Liters (L) Kilograms (kg) Kelvin.

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Presentation on theme: "Length Volume Mass Temperature Time Pressure Energy Amount of a Substance Luminous Intensity Electric Current Meters (m) Liters (L) Kilograms (kg) Kelvin."— Presentation transcript:


2 Length Volume Mass Temperature Time Pressure Energy Amount of a Substance Luminous Intensity Electric Current Meters (m) Liters (L) Kilograms (kg) Kelvin (K) Seconds (s) Pascals (Pa) Joules (J) Moles (mol) Candela (cd) Ampere (A)

3 Prefix Symbol Factor Quantity*  GigaG10 9 1000000000  MegaM10 6 1000000  Kilok10 3 1000  Hectoh10 2 100  Decada10 1 10 **  Decid10 -1 0.1  Centic10 -2 0.01  Millim10 -3 0.001  Microµ10 -6 0.000001  Nanon10 -9 0.000000001 *Quantity in relation to the base unit ** Base unit inserted here

4  Gigameter  Meter is a unit of length  Giga is a prefix representing a factor of 10 9  1 Gigameter = 1000000000 meters = 1.0 x 10 9

5  USE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS!!  Convert 1000 meters to kilometers: 1 kilometer x 1000 ( or 1.0 x 10 3 )meters 1 x 10 3 meters = 1 kilometer

6  Convert 10 milligrams to decagrams 10 milligrams x 1 gram x 1 decagram 1000 milligrams 10 grams = (10/1000)/10 = 0.001 decagrams

7  Complete metric conversion problems in your note packet.

8  Memorize the SI units  SI Prefixes Acronym Contest

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