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Animals Grow and Change by Denise Carroll

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Presentation on theme: "Animals Grow and Change by Denise Carroll"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animals Grow and Change by Denise Carroll

2 What do animals need to live and grow?
Fresh air Food Water Shelter

3 Animals are separated into groups so they are easier to study
Animals are separated into groups so they are easier to study. Can you put these animals in groups?

4 Animals with Bones Mammals Reptiles Amphibians Fish Birds

5 Mammals Have fur or hair Give birth to live babies
Have only a few babies at a time The female feeds the young milk from her body The young are taken care of for a long time People, dogs, horses, cows are mammals.

6 More Mammals

7 Reptiles Have scales Skin is rough and dry
Lay eggs with leathery shells Most live all their life on land Lay their eggs on land Lizards, snakes, turtles, and alligators are examples.

8 More Reptiles

9 Amphibians Hatch from eggs laid in water
When young, they look like fish and have gills like fish. They grow legs. Gills are replaced by lungs. They can live on land when older. They can stay underwater for a long time. Frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts are examples

10 More Amphibians

11 Fish Live in water Most have scales and fins
Use their fins to move through the water Use gills to breathe Some live in fresh water, others live in salt water

12 More Fish

13 Birds Have wings and beaks Are the only animals that have feathers
Lay eggs with shells Use their wings to fly

14 More Birds

15 Animals without Bones Insects Worms Snails Starfish

16 Insects Have 3 body parts Have 6 legs Many have 2 or 4 wings
Have 2 antennas

17 Is a spider an insect?

18 Spiders are not insects.
Spiders only have two body parts. Spiders have 8 legs.

19 What Is a Life Cycle? A life cycle is the stages that occur in a plant or animals lifetime.  A life cycle is a circle that has no end, one life ends and one always begins.

20 Life Cycle of a Frog

21 Life Cycle of a Butterfly
egg Life Cycle of a Butterfly Larva (caterpillar) Adult butterfly Pupa (chrysalis)

22 Life Cycle of a Mealworm
egg Life Cycle of a Mealworm beetle larva pupa

23 Congratulations! You are an expert on animals and their life cycles.

24 Resources

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