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Arthropods Chapter 36 Chapter 36. Arthropods Chapter 36 Chapter 36.

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2 Arthropods Chapter 36 Chapter 36

3 Phylum Arthropoda Section 36.1

4 Arthropods Examples: lobsters, crabs, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, insects Arthropod means “jointed foot” Appendages: body segments with jointed extensions Used in feeding, moving, & mating

5 Characteristics: Exoskeleton Compound eye Open circulatory system
Protection, support, prevents desiccation 3 layers excreted by epidermis Made of chitin Compound eye Optic nerves send impulse to the ventral nerve cord Open circulatory system

6 Molting: Video Periodic shedding of the exoskeleton to allow growth
Few day process to develop hard exoskeleton – extremely vulnerable times! Hormone, pressure, and enzyme induced enzymes digest old exoskeleton while synthesizing new one Video


8 Evolution: 545 million years ago
All from a common ancestor Tagmata: fused segments that perform a specialized function of modern arthropods 5 subphlya

9 Classification: 5 Subphyla
Trilobita: (trilobites) Extinct! Crustacea: (shrimp, lobster, crayfish, pill bugs, barnacles) Chelicerata: (spiders, scorpions, ticks, horseshoe crab) Myriapoda: (centipedes, millipedes) Hexapoda: (insects, springtails) Page 725

10 Subphylum Crustacea Section 36.2

11 General Information: “Crusta” means shell Most are aquatic
Defining characteristic = 2 pairs of antennae Exoskeleton: Made up of chitin (protein) or CaCO3 Carapace has waxy coating 16 to 20 body segments that fuse to form tagmatas

12 General Information: Many have mandibles
jawlike mouthparts Usually each segment has at least 1 pair of appendages Open circulatory system Many respire with gills (aquatic only) Nauplius Free swimming larvae

13 Crustacean Diversity Aquatic: Terrestrial: Isopods
Plankton – collection of small animals that drift near the surface of the water Copepods (crustaceans) are a part of plankton Water flea Barnacles Shrimp Lobster Crabs Crayfish Terrestrial: Isopods Pill and sow bugs Lose water quickly

14 Crayfish Decapods – “ten feet,” five pairs of legs


16 External Structure Two major sections: Cephalothorax: two tagmata
Head – 5 segments Thorax – 8 segments posterior to head Carapace – dorsal exoskeleton Abdomen: 7 segments Telson – 7th segment, flat paddle at posterior

17 Appendages: Antennules – touch, taste, equilibrium
Antennae – touch, taste Mandible – chewing Maxilla – manipulate food, draw water over gills Maxilliped – touch, taste, manipulate food

18 Cheliped (claws) – capture food, defense
Walking legs – locomotion over solid surfaces Swimmeret – create water currents, transfer sperm (male), carry eggs and young (female) Uropod – propulsion during tailflips


20 Digestion: Digestive System: mouth  esophagus  stomach  enzymes secreted by digestive gland  intestine & digestive gland  anus

21 Respiration: Respiratory System: gills
Base of each walking leg under carapace Diffusion of gases

22 Excretion: Excretory System: green glands Acts like a kidney
Eliminate excess water due to hypotonic environment

23 Circulation: Circulatory System: open system baths organs in hemolymph
Pumping organ: heart (dorsal)

24 Neural Control: Brain = pair of ganglia above esophagus
Ventral nerve cord Sensory hairs on exoskeleton 2,000 light sensitive units on each eye Statocyte at base of antennae for balance

25 Reproduction: Video Sexual: mate in fall
Male’s first 2 hollow legs transfer sperm Female holds sperm until eggs laid, then fertilize; mated previous fall Eggs laid in spring (100) carried by female on swimmerets 6-8 weeks; “berried” regenerate missing parts Video

26 Female Male

27 Subphyla Chelicerata & Mryiapoda
Section 36.3

28 Subphyla Chelicerata Examples: spiders, scorpions, mites, horseshoe crab Typically 6 pair of appendages 1st pair = chelicerae (modified pincers or fangs) Video

29 Class Arachnida: Arachnids include spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks Cephalothorax has 6 pairs of jointed appendages: one pair of chelicerae (pincers or fangs) one pair of pedipalps (aid in holding food & chewing) Four pairs of walking legs

30 Anatomy of a spider: Chelicerae = modified fangs 8 simple eyes
Spinnerets = produce silk

31 Respiratory System Book lungs = paired sacs with parallel folds
Tracheae = system of tubes carrying air directly to tissues Air in through spiracles in exoskeleton Some have one or the other Some have both!

32 Excretory System Malpighian tubules = hollow projections of digestive tract Collect body fluids & waste Waste leaves as feces Helps conserve water in spider Coxal glands = organ that removes wastes & discharges through openings at base of legs OR

33 Feeding: Video Use webs to capture prey
Inject venom to paralyze animal Two harmful spiders to humans = black widow & brown recluse

34 Reproduction: Video Transfer of sperm to tip of pedipalps
Sperm place into seminal receptacles on female Male flees to avoid being eaten Eggs fertilized as passed out of female Fertilized eggs into silken case Female carries eggs or attaches to plant Young spiders hatch in two weeks Video

35 Scorpions Large, pincerlike pedipalps in forward position
Large stinger on last segment of abdomen curled over body Hunt insects & spiders at night Inject venom into prey video

36 Ticks Many parasitic Pierce host’s skin, feed on blood
Transmits bacteria & microorganisms Lyme disease Rocky Mountain spotted fever

37 Subphylum Myriapoda Myriapods = “many feet”
Examples: millipedes & centipedes First animals on land Segmented bodies Live in damp environments

38 Class Diplopoda Examples: millipedes Round bodies Appendages:
Two pair of legs on each segment Short antennae Two groups of simple eyes When threatened: coil up & secrete noxious fluid with cyanide Food source: decaying plant material

39 Class Chilopoda Example: Centipedes Flat bodies Appendages:
Long, jointed legs Poison claws Long antennae Two clusters of simple eyes Prey = earthworms, insects, NOT humans! Video

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