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0016 1 2 3 4 5 1.Nasal Septum—surrounded by periosteum; glands and vasculature 2.Nasal Cavity 3.Chonchae 4.Respiratory Epithelium 5.Olfactory Epithelium.

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Presentation on theme: "0016 1 2 3 4 5 1.Nasal Septum—surrounded by periosteum; glands and vasculature 2.Nasal Cavity 3.Chonchae 4.Respiratory Epithelium 5.Olfactory Epithelium."— Presentation transcript:


2 0016 1 2 3 4 5 1.Nasal Septum—surrounded by periosteum; glands and vasculature 2.Nasal Cavity 3.Chonchae 4.Respiratory Epithelium 5.Olfactory Epithelium Lamina propria Epithelial cells next to lumen

3 1 2 3 4 1.Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium with 2.Goblet cells—lighter staining 3.Lamina Propria 4.Blood vessel 5.Cilia 5 Basal lamina Secreted by epithelium

4 0061 3 4 1.Pseudostriated Columnar Ciliated Epithelium with Goblet cells 2.Lamina Propria 3.Sero-mucus gland 4.Arteriole—humidifies air 1 2

5 0061 1 2 3 4 1.Olfactory Epithelium—more layers of nuclei, thicker epithelium **** 2.Basal Lamina 3.Lamina Propria—contains vascular and glandular elements 4.Bowman’s Gland & Duct—serous merocrine Nerves in fasicles Duct of Bowman’s Gland going to surface

6 Bowman’s Gland (in pink) With duct going through the Olfactory epithelium

7 Laryngeal surface Lingual surface 0012 (resp epithelium) (Stratified squamous)

8 1 2 3 4 1. PCCE (Laryngeal, Inferior surface) 2.Stratified Squamous Epithelium (Lingual, Superior surface) 3.Elastic Cartilage 4.Sero-mucus Gland Epiglottis


10 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 0062 1.Ventricle 2.Vocal Ligament 3.True Vocal Fold—have stratified squamous epithelium 4.Vocalis Muscle 5.Thyroarytenoid Muscle— skeletal muscle 6.Stratified Squamous Epithelium 7.Thyroid Cartilage 8.Cricoid Cartilage Upside down Vocal folds would be here (would have resp epith) Elastic cartilage Hyaline cartilage Tracheal rings Hyoid bones

11 0062 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) Resp. Epithelium (PCCE w/goblet c.) 2) Pseudostratified squamous epithelium 3) Lamina propria 4) Vocal ligament 5) Vocalis muscle 6) Sero-mucus gland & ducts Vocal fold

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) Tracheal lumen 2) Tracheal ring (hyaline cart.) 3) Trachealis muscle (sm.) 4) Lamina propria 5) Submucosa 6) Adventitia Incomplete cartilage ring Resp epithelium lines lumen esophagus

13 0060 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) Resp. Epithelium (PCCE w/goblet c.) 2) Lamina Propria 3) Submucosa 4) Adventitia 5) Tracheal ring 6) Trachealis m.

14 0060 1 2 3 4 5 1) Resp. Epithelium (PCCE w/goblet c.) 2) Lamina Propria 3) Submucosa 4) Lymphoid tissue (plasma cells, lymphocyte) 5) Adventitia 6) Venule 7) Trachealis m. 8) Tracheal ring (hyal.cart.) 6 7 8 Elastic lamina, separates mucosa from submucosa

15 0060 1 2 3 4 5 1) Resp. Epithelium (PCCE w/goblet c.) 2) Lamina Propria 3) Submucosa 4) Lymphoid tissue (solitary nodule) 5) Adventitia—CT that stabilizes trachea and esophagus 6) Tracheal (Sero-mucus) gland & ducts 6

16 0063 1 2 3 4 5 3 1) Bronchus lumen—bc has cartilage (bronchioles don’t) 2) Pulmonary Artery lumen 3) Cartilage Plate (hyal.) 4) Muscularis (SMC layer) 5) Resp Epithelium & Lamina Prop. Have complete rings or cartilage plates around lumen Have smooth muscle

17 0063 1 2 3 4 1) Bronchiole lumen 2) Pulmonary Arteriole lumen 3) Resp Epithelium w/Clara cells 4) Smooth Muscle Cell layer Has corrogated lumen usually Invaginations in it Has layers of thick smooth m Around it Some smooth m. Reduced lamina propria Bronchioles and arterioles often travel together

18 0063 1 2 3 4 1) Terminal Bronchiole—bronchioles have no cartilage or glands 2) Respiratory Bronchiole 3) Alveolar Duct 4) Alveolar Atrium and Sac


20 0125 1 2 3 4 (might not be in right spot) 5 6 1) Type II Pneumocyte (Septal cell) 2) Type I Pneumocyte 3) Capillary (continuous) 4) Alveolar Macrophages (Dust cells) 5) Interalveolar septum 6) Alveolar lumen Squamous epithelium

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