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Key terms.  Having to do with the sinus  Sinus ◦ Air-filled cavity within a bone that is lined with mucous membrane that makes mucus ◦ Functions of.

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Presentation on theme: "Key terms.  Having to do with the sinus  Sinus ◦ Air-filled cavity within a bone that is lined with mucous membrane that makes mucus ◦ Functions of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key terms

2  Having to do with the sinus  Sinus ◦ Air-filled cavity within a bone that is lined with mucous membrane that makes mucus ◦ Functions of the sinuses  Make the bones of the skull lighter  Help produce sound by giving resonance to the voice  To produce mucus that drains into the nasal cavity


4  Having to do with the nose

5  Throat  Pharynx ◦ Carries both food and air ◦ 3 divisions  Nasopharynx  Oropharynx  Laryngopharynx

6  Voice box  Larynx ◦ Triangular chamber located between the pharynx and the trachea ◦ Contains the vocal cords ◦ Protected and held open by a series of nine separate cartilages. The thyroid cartilage is the largest and it prominent projection is commonly known as the Adam’s apple.


8  Having to do with the epiglottis  Epiglottis ◦ A leaf shaped lid like structure ◦ Located at the base of the tongue ◦ Swing downward and closes off the laryngopharynx so food does not enter the trachea and the lungs.

9 Anatomy of the upper airway. Anatomy of the upper airway.

10  Having to do with the trachea  Trachea ◦ Commonly known as the windpipe ◦ Extends from the neck into the chest ◦ Directly anterior to the esophagus ◦ Held open by a series of C-shaped cartilage rings


12  Having to do with the bronchial tube  Or bronchus  The trachea divides into two branches called bronchi. One branch goes into each lung.  Within each lung the bronchus divides and subdivides into increasingly smaller bronchi  Bronchioles are the smallest branches of the bronchi  Bronchial tree  Page 126


14  Having to do with the alveoli  Alveoli ◦ Air sacs ◦ Very small grapelike clusters found at the end of each bronchiole ◦ Surrounded by a network of microscopic pulmonary capillaries ◦ Gas exchange occurs through the very thin walls of the alveoli


16  Having to do with the pleura  Pleura ◦ Multilayered membrane that surrounds each lung with its blood vessels and nerves ◦ Plural is pleurae  Parietal pleura – outer layer. Lines the thoracic cavity  Visceral pleura – inner layer. Surrounds the lungs  Pleural space or pleural cavity – airtight space between the folds of the pleural membranes that has a watery lubricating fluid in between the pleural membranes

17  Blue  Cyanosis – a bluish discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxygen

18  Incomplete  Imperfect

19  Stretching  Atelectasis ◦ Collapsed lung ◦ Condition in which the lung fails to expand because air cannot pass beyond the bronchioles that are b locked by secretions

20  Having to do with the thorax  Or chest

21  Breathing  Usually has to do with breathing patterns  Tachypnea  Bradypnea  Apnea

22  Lung  Air

23  Also means lung

24  Having to do with sound  Or voice

25  Having to do with oxygen

26  Secretion that flows from the nose  Helps to warm, moisten, and filter air as it enters the nose  Mucous is the name of the tissue  Mucus is the secretion that flows from the tissue

27  Also known as the interpleural space  Located between the lungs  Contains the thoracic viscera including the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, bronchial tubes, and thymus gland

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