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Published byNora Cunningham Modified over 9 years ago
“…In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart…I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens I think that it will all come right.” http://www.annefrank. org/en/Subsites/Home/ http://www.annefrank. org/en/Subsites/Home/
Diary of Anne Frank “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” To save one life is as if you have saved the world, One person can create change.
What impact will you have on the world? Page 484 Lit text Let’s read Key Idea: making an impact/ influence on others…A life well lived can be a guide to others. Quickwrite in you comp notebooks the following: People of all ages make important contributions to the world. What impact do you now have on others? Next, What impact do you hope to have later in your life? Finally, How will education and life experience affect the impact you will have on others in the future?
Diary of Anne Frank. Scene 1&2 pages 488-496 In comp notebook divide page 5 W's Who's hiding the families? What is happening during the 2 scenes? Where (location) are they families hiding? When (year)? Why are they in hiding? How is it to live in the annex so far? Use Anne's Voice pg 496 (right side column). Put yourself in Anne’s or Peter’s shoes, what are you feeling? Describe your emotions?
“To remain silent in the face of evil is itself a form of evil.” How does this quote explain why Miep Gies and Mr Kraler would risk their lives to arrange for the families to go into hiding in the secret attic above the offices of Frank’s business in Holland.
Helper = Miep Gies A secretary who worked for Anne’s father, Otto Frank. Arranged for the families to go into hiding in the secret attic above the offices of Frank’s business in Holland. She provided food and daily news to the families and risked her life every day for nearly two years. After the Gestapo, the secret police, found the 8 people and sent them to the concentration camps, Miep found Anne’s diary. After the war the only survivor of the 8 people, Otto Frank, returned and was given Anne’s diary from Miep. Possible answer to previous quote: Large numbers of people risked their lives to save people from the Nazi regime and they inspired people around them to see that there were basic principles and ideas concerning human rights and responsibilities and the value of human life
Quickwrite in comp notebooks Finish the following in complete thoughts… a. It is human nature to… b. I should not take for granted… c. When I am bored I lose sight of… d. I want to leave a legacy of… e. In the middle of despair… one should search for hope in… one will find the will to live…
Theme:“…In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart…I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens I think that it will all come right.” Anne’s thoughts and actions are important in the development of the play’s message. Review the play and find 6 examples of Anne’s words and actions that support the major theme of the play. Make a detailed web, support with text.
Theme web 6 examples of Anne’s words and actions that support the major theme of the play. Use scene 5 pgs. 514-516 the night of Hanukkah. Anne’s words and actions Actions:Scene 5 pg. 515 Anne makes Hanukkah gifts for the members of the annex, for Margot a crossword puzzle book
Anne’s Diary Entry pg. 520, describes her conflicting emotions about life in the annex. READING FOR INFORMATION…Read Anne Frank’s diary entry from Friday, December 24, 1943 on pg. 520. Based on your reading of the diary entry, does this sound like the Anne you’ve come to know through the play? Explain your response support with text.
Theme in Literature Act 2 Scene 1&2 pgs. 522-533 Think of 2 possible themes for the changes in Anne and Peter. How has their relationship and friendship grown? Explain why you chose your theme support using text evidence. EX: Undergoing a crisis (subject) can change (verb) a person’s priorities such as Anne is thinking more seriously about being a journalist now. She has a renewed sense of purpose and new energy. Pg. 531 Ideas to ponder over while thinking of a possible theme: How does Anne think she has changed going into puberty? How has Peter changed? What physical and emotional changes are happening to her and him? Anne and Peter want to talk about their problems only to each other. “It makes life more bearable to have someone with whom you can exchange views.” What impact have Anne’s visits to Peter had on her life?
After reading/listening to Anne Frank… Type a 2 page letter (12 font, double spaced) to one of the individuals from the Diary of Anne Frank. Let them know how they profoundly touched your heart in some way. In this letter express your thoughts, feelings, insights and impressions about what this person taught you regarding the value of human life and the impact a person has on the world. Include in the letter: Life lessons you learned from their experience. Lessons learned from them that you will use in your own life.
Letter Rubric (Staple to final letter) Name______________________Due__________ Type a 2 page letter (12 font, double spaced) to one of the individuals from the Diary of Anne Frank. (If you can’t type see Kissinger) _____/5 Explains how this individual profoundly touched your heart in some way._____/5 Letter express your thoughts, feelings, insights and impressions about what this person taught you regarding the value of human life and the impact a person has on the world._____/5 Included in the letter: Life lessons you learned from their experience. Lessons learned from them that you will use in your own life. _____/5 _____/20 PTS.
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