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Homeroom Do Not Walk Around!. Warm-up-pg. 22-Dinosaur Extinction Theories Draw a cartoon geologic time scale that includes the following: Precambrian.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeroom Do Not Walk Around!. Warm-up-pg. 22-Dinosaur Extinction Theories Draw a cartoon geologic time scale that includes the following: Precambrian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeroom Do Not Walk Around!

2 Warm-up-pg. 22-Dinosaur Extinction Theories Draw a cartoon geologic time scale that includes the following: Precambrian time Paleozoic era Mesozoic era Cenozoic era and one geological event for each This will receive a grade. I will be coming around to check.

3 Warm up-pg. 19-Geologic Time Scale 1.What is radioactive decay? 2.What is a half life? 3.Where is the oldest rock? 4. Where is the youngest? 5. The chart shows which scientific concept? 6. List an example of absolute dating and relative dating.

4 Warm-up-pg.21-Geo. Time Scale Day 2 Relative Dating Absolute Dating Both Complete the chart!

5 Index Fossils Organisms that lived during a specific time IDENTIFY THE AGE OF ROCK THEY ARE FOUND IN INDEX FOSSILS MUST BE WIDE SPREAD

6 Ice Cores Long column of ice drilled out Contains bubbles with air from thousands of years ago. Only type of fossil dating that gives us glues about the past atmospheric conditions.

7 Trilobites - small, hard-shelled organisms that lived in ocean. Considered to be index fossils. Geologic Time

8 Eon Largest group of the history of the Earth First 3 eons = Precambrian time/Era 4 th eon is the Phanerozoic eon

9 Precambrian Longest time in Earth’s History. Very few life forms existed. Bacteria first form of life; created oxygen which changed Earth’s atmosphere.

10 ERAS Eons divided into eras. Most recent eon is divided into three eras. -Paleozoic -Mesozoic -Cenozoic **End of eras are marked by mass extinctions** Period: Each era divided into even smaller periods.

11 Paleozoic Era Beginning-ocean life End of era-reptiles, amphibians, ferns Greatest extinction of all time

12 Mesozoic Era Dinosaurs Some mammals, birds, and flowering plants evolved Pangaea Scientist think era ended with mass extinction caused by an asteroid hitting the Earth.

13 Cenozoic Era Current era-began 65 million years ago Age of the Mammals!!! The era we live in


15 Oldest rock layers First Bacteria Precambrian Paleozoic Mesozoic


17 Geologic Time Scale Questions-answer on pg. 21 1. What is the longest time period in earth’s history? 2. When did the first single celled organisms show up? How long after earth formed did this happen? 3. When did Pangaea begin to split up? 4. When did the earliest humans appear and in which era?

18 Geologic Time Scale Music Video

19 Asteroid Impact 10k wide asteroid struck Earth Dust thrown into the air No light and plants died Huge grater near Mexico Fossils show that dinosaurs died before 65 million years ago.

20 Excessive Volcanoes Series of volcanic eruptions wiped them out Let out huge amounts of sulfur dioxide Made Earth cold Ancient lava flow the size of France in India A layer of soot is found in rocks all over the world that are 65 million years old. (supports asteroid impact)

21 Radiation A star exploded as a supernova and produced a wave of cosmic radiation. Everything was fried. Fossils from 65 million years ago show radiation. No evidence that this radiation came from space.

22 Ice Age Earth was plunged into a winder by an unknown event that blocked out the sun. Plants could not grow. Researchers have found cold water plankton fossils in a warm sea off of Africa. The fossils are 65 million years old and show a sudden drop in temp. Scientists cannot explain what caused the sudden drop.

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