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Vocabulary : Anthony Reynoso: Born To Rope dappled, exhibition, landscape business, ranch, thousands.

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2 Vocabulary : Anthony Reynoso: Born To Rope dappled, exhibition, landscape business, ranch, thousands

3 How I Spent My Summer Vacation A.Read each vocabulary word and the definition. 1.dappleddappled 2.exhibitionexhibition 3.landscape businesslandscape business 4.ranchranch 5.thousandsthousands Click on each word to see the definition! B. Take a Quiz???Quiz

4 dappled Meaning : marked with spots or patches of light and dark Sentence : The girl drew a picture of a white and brown dappled horse

5 exhibition Meaning : a show for the public Sentence : There was a lot of people at the exhibition.

6 landscape business Meaning : - a company that makes money by designing, shaping, and planting gardens Sentence : My brother owns a landscape business.

7 ranch Meaning : a large farm for raising horses, cattle, or sheep Sentence : I live on a ranch.

8 thousands Meaning : - whole numbers written 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and so on Sentence : There were thousands of people at the fair.

9 Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope Quiz DIRECTIONS: Read each question and click on the correct answer. If you get it wrong use the arrow button to go back to the question and try again. Click on the buttons to go to the next question.

10 The girl drew a picture of a brown and grey __________ cow. A. landscape businesslandscape business B. dappleddappled C. ranchranch D. exhibitionexhibition NEXT QUESTION


12 Sorry, Try Again!!

13 I saw __________ of people at the mall. A. thousandsthousands B. ranch. ranch C. dappled D. exhibitionexhibition NEXT QUESTION


15 Sorry, Try Again!!

16 She lives on a huge ______________. A. landscape businesslandscape business B. exhibitionexhibition C. ranch. ranch D. thousandsthousands NEXT QUESTION


18 Sorry, Try Again!!

19 My dad owns his own _____________. A. thousands. thousands B. dappled C. exhibitionexhibition D. landscape businesslandscape business NEXT QUESTION


21 Sorry, Try Again!!

22 There are not a lot of people at the ____________. A. landscape businesslandscape business B. dappleddappled C. exhibitionexhibition D. thousandsthousands NEXT QUESTION


24 Sorry, Try Again!!

25 QUIZ COMPLETE! Take the quiz again! Im finished!

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