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Country’s experience in building and monitoring capacities in climate change area. Albania case Ermira Fida Manager Climate Change Program, Albania UNFCCC.

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Presentation on theme: "Country’s experience in building and monitoring capacities in climate change area. Albania case Ermira Fida Manager Climate Change Program, Albania UNFCCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country’s experience in building and monitoring capacities in climate change area. Albania case Ermira Fida Manager Climate Change Program, Albania UNFCCC workshop on M&E of capacity building for climate change Rio de Janerio, 7 November, 2008

2 Outline of presentation Background on Albania and Climate Change activities Scope of climate change activities in Albania Scope of capacity building activities in Albania Monitoring and Evaluation of capacity building Case studies: A completed FSP An ongoing MSP An ongoing FSP An ongoing Enabling Activity Concluding remarks.

3 Joined the UNFCCC in 1995 Status under the UNFCCC Non-Annex 1 Party to the UNFCCC Joined the Kyoto Protocol 16 December, 2004 Albania and Climate Chnage

4 Climate Change Activities in Albania Project – based activities Climate Change Program Funded by UNDP and other donors, through UNDP Focused on the following thematic areas: GHG inventory/mitigation vulnerability and adaptation Enabling Activities (National Communication / TNA preparation) process is a cross-cutting process: Has been instrumental towards climate change mainstreaming, capacity building and resource mobilization  Has supported the set up and expanding of climate change program  As of today: total budget of USD 4,837,302 has been mobilized Public awareness, education, and capacity building is a cross-cutting component of the program

5 Scope of the Climate Change Activities in Albania Project completed Project on-going

6 Capacity Building Activities in Albania Capacity Building (CB) – an integral part of climate change program along with: public awareness and communication Addressed under CB-stand alone projects: UNDP: CB for CDM UNDP-GEF FSP: CB for improvement of GHG inventories UNDP-GEF EA: CB in priority areas / TNA Addressed as project component under: UNDP-GEF: EA: National Communication (1 st and 2 nd ) UNDP/UNEP-GEF FSP: Market transformation for SWH UNDP-GEF MSP: Identification and implementation of adaptation measures in Drini-Mati River Deltas UNDP/UNEP: Carbon neutral territories

7 The Scope of CB in Albania National GHG inventories GHG scenarios Climate scenarios Impact assessment and adaptation Carbon financing / CDM Public awareness and communication Negotiation process

8 Sharing Capacity Building outside Albania Countries / Climate change teams to which we have shared our experience: Malta  National communication  Technology Needs Assessment Azerbaijan  National Communication,  Technology Needs Assessment Bosnia & Herzegovina  National Communication  CDM DNA set up and functioning, Sectorial baseline setting, Serbia  National Communication

9 M&E of climate change projects Albania M&E is part of the project management cycle Results-Based Management approach is employed by UNDP, the implementing agency to manage a project: A process-based description of programming methods articulated as policies, tasks, and deliverables, for use in the effective planning and implementation of development programmes and projects Follows an international standard method: PRINCE- Projects In Controlled Environment

10 GEF Medium and Full size and other UNDP projects have a M&E component: Periodic reporting of project progress against targets (including those regarding CB) are monitored and evaluated based on verifiable indicators:  Logical Framework (Logframe) Matrix - performance and impact indicators for project implementation and means of verification The Logframe – is set up during the project formulation phase The logframe consist of: Outcomes, outputs, baseline, indicators, means of verification, assumptions and risks The Logframe – the basis for the M&E plan M&E plan get finalized in the project inception workshop/phase. Enabling Activities: Logframe does not apply Annual Reviews as part of monitoring are based on Results Peer review of NC components from NCSP; The impact of EAs to CB has been significant Monitoring and Evaluation of Capacity Building Activities in Albania

11 Monitoring results of concrete projects in Albania Case 1: UNDP-GEF: “Building capacities to improve the quality of GHG emission inventories in East Europe and CIS” Project size: Full Size Project Status: completed (2003-2006) Logframe application: yes Project results/impact:  Strengthened national arrangements for compiling, archiving, updating, and managing GHG inventories;  Sustainable inventory process created;  Enhanced technical capacities to prepare GHG inventories;  Improved methodologies and emission factors.

12 Project outcomes Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification Assumptions and Risks Strengthened national arrangements for compiling, archiving, updating, and managing GHG inventories Strategies to compile, archive and update GHG inventories national manuals of procedures; long-term inventory improvement strategies; QA/QC plans Sustainable inventory process created GHG inventory experts hired by the Governments; long- Term GHG improvement Strategies; inventory archive set up. End-of project report long-term inventory improvement strategies; Outreach campaign for a sustainable GHG inventory team is funded by Government funds Enhanced technical capacities to prepare GHG inventories Experts are trained and prepare inventory of the key sources Key sources inventory peer review report Improved methodologies and emission factors Up to 3 Emission Factors improved Technical advisory group meeting minutes Case 1: Logframe, Project outcomes

13 Monitoring results in concrete projects in Albania Case 2: UNDP-GEF: Identification of adaptation measures in Drini-Mati river deltas (DMRD) Project size: Medium Size Project Status: ongoing Logframe application: yes Expected Project results/impacts: 1. Capacities to monitor and respond to anticipated climate change impacts in the project site at the institutional and community developed 2. DMRD region's conservation and development policies, plans and programmes integrate climate change risks and take local pilot actions for coastal adaptation. 3. A system of knowledge management established

14 Case 2: the Logframe, outcome 1 Project outcome 1 IndicatorBaselineTargetSource of verification Risks and assumption Capacities to monitor and respond to expected climate change in DMRD are developed Capacity to access CC impacts to biodiversity in the DMRD A very general understanding of CC impacts coastal ecosystems exists Systematic data and information on CC impact to coastal ecosystems in DMRD is in place, by the end of the project Final project report Access to high-quality training resources is obtained.

15 Monitoring in concrete projects in Albania Case 3: UNDP-GEF: Market transformation for promotion of the Solar Water Heating in Albania Project size: Full Size Project Status: ongoing Logframe application: yes Expected Project results/impacts: 1. A regulatory framework for SWH market promotion 2. Enhanced awareness and capacity of the targeted end-users and building professionals to consider and integrate SWH systems into different types of buildings 3. Increasing demand for SWH through setting up an appropriate financial mechanism 4. Quality control scheme 5. Lessons learnt spread, documented and disseminated

16 Case 3: the Logframe, outcome 2 Project outcome 1 IndicatorBaselineTargetSource of verification Risks and assumption Enhanced awareness and capacity of he targeted end- users and building professionals to consider and integrate SWH systems into different types buildings The demand for additional information. The share of new and renovated buildings that have integrated SWH systems Based on a market survey more than 50% responded that lack information on this technology and more than 90% would like to have more information More than 80% of the end-users declare that have the right information on SWH to make a decision Market survey Interest of end-users to participate at the survey

17 Reporting the progress of activities Case of 2 nd National Communication (SNC) Expected output, target and indicators Planned activities Expenditure s Results of activitiesProgress against outcomes, outputs Output: Albania’s SNC ; Target: Prepare the Albania’s SNC and submit to the CoP of the UNFCCC; Indicator: The SNC report to reflect the current available guidance; Baseline: Albania prepared the 1 st NC and the TNA; GHG inventoryUSD XXX Activity Data Data gaps Key source inventory ….. Collected Filled Developed at70% …. GHG mitigationUSD XXX GHG baseline scenario GHG abatement scenario GHG technologies completed developed at 50% …… V&AUSD XXXClimate scenario Impact assessment Adaptation measures completed …… Other information USD XXX national circumstances Cross-cutting issues Completed …….

18 Concluding remarks Enabling activities have provided significant contribution towards CB in Albania Other initiatives / projects have contributed towards strengthening of capacities built Monitoring of CB through verifiable indicators at the enabling activity level is important! Monitoring through verifiable indicators has proved to increase the desirable results on project implementation Setting of verifiable indicators related to CB is highly important Stakeholder involvement to the indicator setting process is important and helps a lot Monitoring of CB not an easy task! involves different means of verifications (data-intensive exercise ):  varies from project report, number of experts trained up to surveys….etc.

19 For more information on climate change activities in Albania:


21 Thank you!

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