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20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor By CHAHATEY RAM CBE/ER.

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Presentation on theme: "20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor By CHAHATEY RAM CBE/ER."— Presentation transcript:

1 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor By CHAHATEY RAM CBE/ER

2 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- GENERAL Sectional speed to be 160 kmph Formation and bridges to be fit for HM Loading Ruling gradient to be 1 in 150 Curves not to be sharper than 1 degree

3 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS - GENERAL Maximum moving dimensions to cater to widest future stock and double stack containers Quality assurance to be separated from execution & to be entrusted to 3 rd party – NHAI case Speed on turnouts to be 50 kmph

4 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS - GENERAL Twin single line while entering/ leaving metros

5 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK Take care of points which bother maintenance engineers

6 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK TURN OUTS Can’t eliminate them, reduce them HOW? Only one x-over at each station Only one loop at a station, alternately on UP and DN side

7 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK LEVEL CROSSING Eliminate them HOW ? Provide grade separators

8 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK SEJs Reduce them - station to station LWRs Improve them – Use improved design

9 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK GLUED JOINTS Eliminate them HOW? Jointless track circuit

10 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK WEAK FORMATION Good quality construction, follow RDSO guidelines for earthwork Emulate NHAI example Take safety measures against boulders falling & slope failures in high cuttings-adequate cess width, 1:1 slope, pucca drains

11 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK BALLAST DEFICIENCY Fully automated mega ballast depot to cater to the whole corridor, Rly to obtain lease, ballast contract for long period say 10 years with customised PVC

12 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS- TRACK FREQUENT RENEWAL OF FITTINGS Have fittings of such design & quality so that uniform life of track (sleeper & fittings) can be achieved- only complete track renewal should be required

13 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS - BRIDGES Training- Every person (Rly & contractor) in assigned job Design theme to be the least LCC, ease of maintenance & not the initial cost All bridges to have ballasted decks

14 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (BRIDGES) ROBs to be bearingless (framed structures) Use continuous spans and fully welded girders for economy in capital as well as maintenance cost

15 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (BRIDGES) Use large span in perennial rivers to avoid/ reduce UWI of piers Use strip seal expansion joints at ROBs wherever unavoidable Provide inbuilt remote condition monitoring of bridges during construction itself

16 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (BRIDGES) Steel girders – corten steel, metallising for enhanced durability

17 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (BRIDGES) Design to cater for inspection, monitoring and maintenance How to measure camber in PSC girders of large spans Lifting points of jacks for release/ replacement of bearings

18 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (BRIDGES) Working area & access at piers Inspection of PSC box girders from inside How to inspect very tall piers

19 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (BRIDGES) Concrete bridges High performance concrete (HPC) Self compacting concrete (SCC)

20 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (BRIDGES) Use of concrete pump & batching plant to be made compulsory even for minor bridges for enhanced durability Protective coating to all concrete surfaces

21 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor MAINTENANCE PRACTICES - TRACK Decide maintenance system, organisation, dedicated fixed time corridor blocks; wokshop, track machines,conveyance & communication for P. Way engineers

22 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor MAINTENANCE PRACTICES - TRACK Maintenance to be outsourced for long term say 10 to 15 years

23 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor MAINTENANCE PRACTICES - TRACK USFD TESTING Use high speed SPURT car capable of recording at 70 kmph EMAT technique to be used

24 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor MAINTENANCE PRACTICES - BRIDGE Separate organisation for inspection in view of high level of expertise required- inhouse or outsourced Separate organisation for repairs and strengthening- to be outsourced for 10 to 15 years

25 20.03.06Dedicated Freight Corridor MAINTENANCE PRACTICES - BRIDGE Rail inspection vehicle a must Detailed Inspection and Repairs Manual to be provided by construction agency Have disaster management of bridges in place right at the end of construction Release at least 5% elastomeric bearings every year

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