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The need for BigDecimal Tim McKenna Why BigDecimal? BigDecimal provides exact decimal values doubles only approximate decimals use BigDecimal.

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Presentation on theme: "The need for BigDecimal Tim McKenna Why BigDecimal? BigDecimal provides exact decimal values doubles only approximate decimals use BigDecimal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The need for BigDecimal Tim McKenna Seneca@York

2 Why BigDecimal? BigDecimal provides exact decimal values doubles only approximate decimals use BigDecimal for money and business calculations yes, doubles are easier no, you cannot use doubles

3 BigDecimal vs double from an assignment that didn’t use BigDecimal… Type Vegan Survey Last Date Restaurant Code Y/N Amount Surveyed Name, Location CF Y 3.59 2003-07-04 Blueberry Hill, YLM Please enter survey amount (+ add, - subtract) > -3.59 Unable to subtract this amount - 3.589999999999999857891452847979962825775146484375 because there is only 3.589999999999999857891452847979962825775146484375 left!

4 If you don't believe me… from the IBM computer scientist who wrote the new, improved BigDecimal class: Using Java 5.0 BigDecimal and Decimal Arithmetic FAQUsing Java 5.0 BigDecimalDecimal Arithmetic FAQ Core Java Technologies Tech Tips: The need for BigDecimal The need for BigDecimal

5 The BigDecimal Class 98.7% of numeric data in business applications has a predetermined number of decimals:  currency, exchange rates, unit costs, discounts, taxes  precision: digits in number including decimals  scale: number of decimal places JDBC maps DB decimal fields to BigDecimal BigD class provides control of rounding behaviour Examples:,,

6 BigDecimal add & subtract BigDecimal sum, difference, …; // note: immutable class sum = addend.add(augend); // a = b + c sum = sum.add(anotherBigDecimal); // a += d difference = minuend.subtract(subtrahend); // a = b - c

7 BigDecimal multply & divide import static java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_UP; // standard rounding, import the constant BigDecimal product, quotient; // immutable product = multiplicand.multiply(factor); product = // round result to 2 decimals product.setScale(2, HALF_UP); product = // multiply and round multiplicand.multiply(factor).setScale(2, HALF_UP); quotient = // round result to 2 decimals dividend.divide(divisor, 2, HALF_UP);

8 BigDecimal comparisons import static java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO; payment.compareTo(interest) > 0 "if payment is greater than interest " principal.compareTo(payment) <= 0 "if principal is less than/equal to payment" principal.compareTo(ZERO) == 0 "if principal is equal to zero" principal.equals(ZERO) …may not be what you mean. see API.

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