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Education Thematic Working Group UNICEF Myanmar 24 January 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Thematic Working Group UNICEF Myanmar 24 January 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Thematic Working Group UNICEF Myanmar 24 January 2012

2 Question: What are the strength of Education Thematic Working Group?

3  Actors involvement  Strong coordination between NGO’s, CSO’s and Government  On policies  On best practices  Inter-agency collaboration  Networking  Information sharing / Learning from each other  Ground level Activities

4 Examples  ActionAid could easily find out about education issues for use in their area.  Use of mother’s circle : introduce at ETWG to be used by others.

5 Question: Where would we want to be/go?

6  To increase coordination with government  Concrete plan/proposal/policy option to put forward to them  To have a scope for strong connections across sub sectors in order that they build on one another  To produce Influential policy dialogues  To share evidence-based practice with great involvements of donors and other key players  To pass the leading role onto MOE  To become trustworthy group for the Government and Donors  To support Government Education Programs

7 Question: How can we get there?

8  Workshops and seminars held at National Level  Strong participatory process  Trust building  Clear identification of Roles and responsibilities  Evidence based advocacy (as collective work)  Data collection/survey/study  Higher level Representation from Government and member organizations

9 Question: How do we do it?

10  Develop realistic and broader objectives  Organize regional/national seminars  Find more fundings  Share resources among donors, key actors and MOE

11 What do we want to achieve through ETWG?  Government Perspective  Development Partners’ Perspective  INGO and NGO perspectives

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