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“Futures In Aerospace” Scholarship Program Paresh Parikh Deputy Direction, Honors and Awards AIAA Region I Immediate Past Chair, Scholarship Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "“Futures In Aerospace” Scholarship Program Paresh Parikh Deputy Direction, Honors and Awards AIAA Region I Immediate Past Chair, Scholarship Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Futures In Aerospace” Scholarship Program Paresh Parikh Deputy Direction, Honors and Awards AIAA Region I Immediate Past Chair, Scholarship Committee AIAA Hampton Roads Section Presentation for 2012 RAC Meeting, Atlanta, GA

2 2 Background The “Futures In Aerospace” program is sponsored by the Hampton Roads Section of AIAA Objective: To encourage graduating high school seniors to pursue a career in engineering or the physical or applied sciences pertinent to aerospace Eligibility: Applicants must be  graduating from a high school located in the area served by the AIAA Hampton Roads Section or be a dependent of a member of the Hampton Roads Section of the AIAA  applying for enrollment in a higher education institution with a major in engineering or the physical or applied sciences pertinent to aerospace Statistics:  The program began in 1985 with a single scholarship of $1,000  This Year (May 2011) we awarded two scholarships of $2,000  To date 54 scholarships awarded for a total of $84,850

3 3 Finances The scholarship was conceived by Mr. “Pete” Peterson (Langley Center Director and HRS Council Member, and Mr. Bobby Berrier (HRS Chairman) Initially funded via a major fund raising drive in 1985 HRS Council is the ultimate governing authority. Scholarship is managed by a Scholarship Chair and the HRS treasurer All scholarship funds are kept separate from HRS Financials and are invested in a “Balanced” mutual fund with Council’s approval A portion of the interest and capital gains income each year is used to fund scholarship awards From time to time, funds are replenished by proceeds from  Short course on aerospace topics given by local chapter subject matter experts  An yearly Golf Tournament (Raises about $1000- $1300 each year)  Matching funds from local area businesses  A special fund raising drive in 2010 (Raised over $2,700)

4 4 Selection Criteria Applicants are required to submit 1.Scholastic achievements – High School Grade Point Average (GPA) and College entrance examinations (SAT, ACT, etc) 2.An essay on the proposed area of college study and its relation to aerospace. The motivation for the choice, any special interests, and expected accomplishments need be stated. (Limited to 1200 words) 3.A letter of recommendation by a High School faculty member with personal classroom knowledge of the applicants abilities 4.Potential for leadership as indicated by the applicant’s record of extracurricular activities  Selection criteria are “tweaked” from time-to-time at Council’s discretion  In case of a tie, reconsideration of top candidates, facilitated by the Scholarship Chair

5 5 Timeline November – Update a list of area High School Guidance Counselors and Scholarship coordinators  Before 2007 all correspondence was by surface mail  In recent years we have (mostly) gone electronic  Plan is to go fully electronic soon November-December: Present past year’s financial performance and receive Council approval for number and amount of awards January: Scholarship form prepared and announcement sent to over 125 high-schools March: Completed applications received Mid March to Early May: Applications reviewed, winners selected and notified  Scholarship committee of no less than three (3) HRS members  Scholarship Chairman is not one of the evaluators but a facilitator May: Scholarships awarded during HRS Annual Awards Banquet  Winners receive a check for the award amount, a certificate and a plaque for the school to display for a year

6 6 Past Awards For more information: Phone: (757) 864-2244

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