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+ Gates Millennium Scholarship. + The GMS Scholarship Award Provides: Support for the cost of education by covering unmet need and self-help aid; Renewable.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Gates Millennium Scholarship. + The GMS Scholarship Award Provides: Support for the cost of education by covering unmet need and self-help aid; Renewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Gates Millennium Scholarship

2 + The GMS Scholarship Award Provides: Support for the cost of education by covering unmet need and self-help aid; Renewable awards for Gates Millennium Scholars maintaining satisfactory academic progress; Graduate school funding for continuing Gates Millennium Scholars in the areas of computer science, education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health or science; Leadership development programs with distinctive personal, academic and professional growth opportunities.

3 + Eligibility Requirements Be African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American/Pacific Islander or Hispanic American; Be Citizens, legal permanent residents or nationals of the United States; Have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 on an unweighted 4.0 scale or earned a GED; Have demonstrated leadership abilities through participation in community service, extracurricular or other activities; Meet Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria; Enroll for the first time at a U.S. located, accredited college or university (with the exception of students concurrently pursuing a high school diploma) in the fall as a full-time, degree seeking, first year student; Have completed and submitted their application by the deadline; and Have the following forms completed and submitted by the deadline on their behalf: A Nominator Form-an evaluation of the student's academic record, and; A Recommender Form- an evaluation of the student's community service and leadership activities.

4 + Deadline The application is due Wednesday, January 13, 2016 The application is already open to start working on it This is a long application that requires 9 different short essays so you want to give yourself enough time to write this out and have somebody look over it. The link is

5 + Scholarships for Seniors On the guidance page on the Simon Tech website, your counselors will be routinely updating it with scholarships as they get close to opening up so make sure to check it. To get to the scholarships just do the following Go to the Simon tech website Under the tab students click on the guidance link On the right side you will see a tab labeled “Scholarship for Seniors Only” click on it and you will find scholarships that will soon open up.

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