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Bug Localization with Machine Learning Techniques Wujie Zheng

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1 Bug Localization with Machine Learning Techniques Wujie Zheng

2 Background of Bug Localization Software is far from bug-free Debugging is a methodical process of finding and correcting the bugs in a program  Manual debugging is laborious and expensive  It is possible to automatic or semi-automatic this process Bug localization is to find a set or a ranking of source code locations that are likely buggy through automatic analysis

3 Techniques of Bug Localization Program Slicing Experimental Methods Machine Learning Methods

4 Program Slicing Debugging with Program Slicing  Start from the inputs or the variables that cause the failure (but not root cause), find all statements that may cause the failure Program Dependence Graph (PDG)  Control dependence  Data dependence Static Slice vs. Dynamic Slice  Static slice: all statements that may affect the value of a variable at a program point for any arbitrary execution of the program  Dynamic slice: all statements that actually affect the value of a variable at a program point for a particular execution of the program Forward Slice vs. Backward Slice  Forward slice: the statements that are affected by the value of variable v at statement s  Backward slice: the statements that affect the value of variable v at statement s

5 PDG void main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i<11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i, 1); } printf( “ sum=%d\n ”, sum); printf( “ i=%d\n ”, i); } static int add(int a, int b) { return (a+b); } In the illustration above, control dependence edges are shown in blue and data dependence edges are shown in green. Intraprocedural dependences are shown with solid lines while interprocedural dependences are shown with dashed lines.

6 Experimental Methods Delta Debugging  Generalize and simplify some failing test case to a minimal test case that still produces the failure  Separate the test case into two sub tests, choose the sub test that fails, and repeat the process. When both sub tests pass, perform another divide-and-test again  Essentially a binary search algorithm

7 Delta Debugging

8 Machine Learning Methods Problem Setting  A set of failing and passing test cases are observed (test cases as the samples)  The statements are instrumented and some traces are collected (statements as the features)  Find a set or a ranking of the statements that are likely buggy

9 Machine Learning Methods Direct correlation analysis  Tarantula  LIBLIT05 Build a classification model of the test cases (feature selection)  Logistic regression  Decision tree Build a behavior model of the statements from passing test cases, and then check violations in failing test cases  Dynamic invariants  SOBER  PPDG

10 Tarantula Visualization:

11 Logistic regression The logistic function Maximize the likelihood of the training set The regularization term The input features are normalized first The larger the resulting coefficient is, the more suspicious the statement is

12 Dynamic invariants Given a set of test cases, mine the implicit rules over the variables The templates  Invariants over any variable: x=a …  Invariants over two numeric variables: y=ax+b …  Invariants over three numeric variables: y=ax+by+c …  …

13 SOBER SOBER [Liu05]  the probability density function of the evaluation bias of P on passing runs and failing runs respectively  The bug relevance score of P is then defined as the difference between them

14 Probabilistic Program Dependence Graph (PPDG) Conditional Independence  The state of a statement is independent of the previous statements conditioned on its immediate parents Dependence Network  Allow cycles, suitable for loops in programs Usage in debugging  The distributions of conditional probabilities are learned from the passing runs  The lower the conditional probability of a state has, the more suspicious the statement it belongs to is

15 Our Work Belongs to the group of “Build a classification model of the test cases (feature selection)”  Association Rule Mining The procedure  Mine all the strong (high frequency and high confidence) association rules X=>fail  Select the rule X’=> with highest confidence (the best classification model of this kind)  Output the statement set X’ as the results Problems:  It is hard to justify that such rule (only conjunction phrase) based model is suitable  The resulting rule may contain lots of statements. Further ranking scheme is still needed  High computational overhead

16 Our Work Belongs to the group of “Build a classification model of the test cases (feature selection)”  Feature Subset Selection The procedure  Iteratively evaluates a candidate subset of features, then modifies the subset and evaluates if the new subset is an improvement over the old.  Greedy forward selection  Evaluation of the subsets requires a scoring metric that grades a subset of features.  F-measure (i.e., harmonic average of precision and recall, 1/(1/precision+1/recall)) Problems  Too simple, just a traditional method

17 How to improve the work? Adopt the association rule mining method to mine the behavior models  Association rule mining is better for mining frequent patterns than building classification models  Difficulties: Usage pattern may dominate, while failure statements related pattern may be not frequent If we consider relative frequent pattern for every statements, there may be too many results to be mined and used effectively Consider program dependence graph may help

18 How to improve the work? Consider the debugging problem of specific bugs such as data race  Data race is an important kinds of bugs, and it is difficult to debug  Sequential pattern mining?  Combine dynamic analysis with machine learning Existing dynamic analysis methods can provide valuable features, e.g., the potential data race in a certain execution (many false positives)

19 How to improve the work? …

20 Other topics of automated debugging Failure classification  NLP  Failure trace clustering  NLP + Failure trace clustering Failure replaying  Record the failures in user sites compactly and reproduce it in developer sites  Debugging with replaying Traverse to any point of an execution without restarting the program Query the trace database

21 Thank you!

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