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C R E S M E T Competing in a ‘Flat World’ Economy: Getting & Keeping Arizona Students in the Math & Science They Need to Succeed October 24, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "C R E S M E T Competing in a ‘Flat World’ Economy: Getting & Keeping Arizona Students in the Math & Science They Need to Succeed October 24, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 C R E S M E T Competing in a ‘Flat World’ Economy: Getting & Keeping Arizona Students in the Math & Science They Need to Succeed October 24, 2006

2 How Does the Promotion of Math and Science Fit Into the School Counselor’s Role? By Implementing the American School Counselor Association National Model Through classroom guidance lessons Through individual career and college counseling with students

3 Redefining School Counseling A profession that focuses on the relations and interactions between students and their school with the express purpose of reducing the effects of environmental and institutional barriers that impede student academic success. The Education Trust

4 “Americans have been the world’s most successful students and entrepreneurs for the past century. We have to envision a new set of global skills that include understanding world languages and cultures to retain our edge in an increasingly interconnected economy.” - Gaston Caperton President, College Board

5 Connecting School Counselors to the New Mission of Schools

6 New Vision of School Counseling Leadership Advocacy for All Students Teaming and Collaboration Using Data to Spur Systemic Change Providing Developmental Guidance Lessons for All Students

7 ASCA National Model


9 In a world flattened by technology and its ability to level the playing field... The individual is empowered The customer “runs the show” The knowledge explosion will be “hyper- geometric” The “education gap” could be catastrophic School Counselors are positions to help students prepare for their future

10 My parents used to say... “finish your food, kids in China are starving.” Friedman says... “finish your homework, kids in China want our jobs.”

11 “A Nation’s wealth is its people!” Their minds skills knowledge

12 Uncovering the Opportunity Gaps For Students Access to challenging courses Access to career education classes Access to a school counselor for career and college support Access to a fully functioning career center at middle and high schools

13 How Does a Counselor Do This? Advocate with administration regarding additional sections of AP and Honors classes Advocate for career awareness taught across the curriculum Collaborate with business and university partners Take a leadership role in your school to develop and implement an ASCA National model school counseling program with a strong career and college emphasis

14 Provide Career and College Planning Lessons Yearly for ALL Students Arizona Career Information System ASVAB – U. S. Army provides free testing and interpretation Virtual Counseling Center - ASU Computer surveys Collaborate with University and Community College outreach personnel.

15 Advance Placement and Honors Courses Work to eliminate barriers to enter AP and Honors classes Encourage all students to take AP and Honors classes. Increase the number of students in these classes Advocate with teachers to help students be successful in these classes Provide mentors and tutors to support students

16 Jefferson County, KY Advanced Placement Enrollment: Race and Gender

17 School Wide Career Fairs Existing Fairs are held at: Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools Improve fairs by Adding math, science and technology related careers Discuss the importance of taking math and science classes Show students careers that require higher math and science

18 Scholarship Information Make information available on school website, in senior classes and in the career center Provide parent volunteers to help students fill out applications – one on one Advocate for in state and out of state colleges to visit your school Invite students not in the top ten percent to talk with all college representatives

19 Partner with ABEC Arizona Businesses and Educators working together to build a better future for our state through better schools. Use your leadership skills to arrange internships with businesses Advocate for students to receive high school credit for the internship

20 Summer Opportunities

21 Students Receive Career Information


23 Programs Supported by Early Academic Outreach Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Parent Outreach and Information College Academy for Parents Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) PSAT/SAT Preparatory Workshops Industry Partnerships and Mentoring Programs

24 How Should The School Counselor’s Role Change to Support Career Awareness? Take counselors out of the clerical role. Less computer/scheduling responsibilities. Full time secretary for the HS counseling department. Adequate career center with a full time career counselor. Allow more time for counselors to teach lessons in the classrooms.

25 School Counselors are Essential For All Students K-12 They contribute to student achievement They help improve attendance They team teach in classrooms to raise academic achievement They work with parents and teachers They assist principals They support students

26 Professional School Counselors Provide a vital link to the total instructional program of the school Counselors teach a curriculum in the educational, career and personal social areas. Contains measurable student competencies which address the skills necessary to function in society today. School Counselors are central to providing career education K-12.

27 Governing Board Support & Administrator Support Provide information about: The ASCA National Model/CCBG program The counselor’s role in career and academic performance. Data related to improved results from a school counseling program. Yearly summary of program results

28 Arizona School Counselor Associations Leadership State school counseling models Adoption of the ASCA National Model State counselor academies since 1990 Regional trainings Advocacy “Day on the Hill” Increase in state membership and in ASCA membership

29 Websites American School Counselor Association The Education Trust Arizona School Counselor Assoc, Inc. Nebraska Department of Education

30 Thank you! Thank you!

31 Judy Bowers, Ed.D. Professional School Counselor Past President, ASCA Past President, AzSCA, Inc. 520-885-3870

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