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NFSMI Applied Research Update 2007 USDA/State Agency Conference Nashville, TN November 29, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "NFSMI Applied Research Update 2007 USDA/State Agency Conference Nashville, TN November 29, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFSMI Applied Research Update 2007 USDA/State Agency Conference Nashville, TN November 29, 2007

2 NFSMI Mission Applied Research supports the NFSMI mission by conducting research and development projects that influence practice by:  increasing knowledge,  providing resources for program assessment, and  determining best practices for issues impacting the operation of CNPs.

3 NFSMI Research and Development Focus Areas Operational Accountability Best Practices Wellness Equipment/Design Human Resources Customer Service

4 Research Approaches Qualitative  Focus Groups  Expert Work Groups  Case Studies Quantitative  National Surveys  Benchmarking  Needs Assessments

5 2006-07 CNP Research Partners Focus Groups, Case Studies, Expert Work Groups, Review Panels 35 states 7 USDA regions

6 ARD Research Highlights

7 Investigation of school professionals’ and parents’ attitudes toward school wellness implementation in elementary schools Methodology: Focus Groups and National Survey Study Participants: school nutrition directors, principals, teachers, and parents Findings:  Benefits to implementing a local wellness policy  Improve physical fitness among children  Promote life-long eating habits  Increased intake of healthy foods  Challenges to implementing a local wellness policy  Gaining support from school administration teachers parents/families

8 Competencies, Knowledge, and Skills of Effective School Nutrition Assistants/Technicians Methodology: Modified Delphi, Expert Panel Work Session, and Review Panel Study Participants: state agency, school nutrition directors, school nutrition managers, and NFSMI education and training staff Findings:  Six functional areas  Food Production  Sanitation, Safety, and Security  Customer Service  Program Regulations and Accountability  Equipment Use and Care  Professional Excellence  Twelve competencies  45 knowledge statements  105 skill statements  37 of the knowledge and skill statements necessary when hired  Training is an expectation after hire

9 Exploring School Professionals’ Attitudes Towards Recess Placement Issues in Elementary Schools Methodology: Focus Groups, National Survey Study Participants: school nutrition directors, principals, teachers Findings:  Issues to Consider When Scheduling Recess  Maintaining instructional time  Children’s academic performance  Promoting children’s health and well-being  Implementing a successful recess before lunch program  Having strong leadership for the program  All involved parties working together to establish policy  Maintaining a positive attitude about the program

10 Feasibility of Offering Healthful Reimbursable Meals to High School Students Through Vending Machines Methodology: Case Study Study Participants: school nutrition directors, vending specialist Findings:  Factors key to implementation  Support – local, state, and federal  Regulations - local, state, and federal  Technology – vending machines an approved point-of-service  Factors to selection of food items  Food Safety  Student Preference  Cost Labor  Nutrition Value  Pre-packaged Portion and Packaging  Temperature Requirement  Benefits to vending reimbursable meals  Potential increase in student participation  Income  Labor saving  Convenience

11 Best Practice Self-Assessment Web-based Resource for Serving the Nutritional Needs of Pre-Kindergarten Children the School Setting Methodology: Focus Groups, National Survey, Expert Work Panel, Review Panel Study Participants: school nutrition directors/managers, school principals/superintendent, and early education coordinators Findings:  7 Research-Based Practice Categories  Communication and Training  Nutritious Meals and Meal Experiences  Administrative Support  Encouragement  Mealtime Opportunities  Dining Environment  Healthy Wellness Practices  17 Goals  96 Best Practice/Quality Indicator Statements

12 In-Classroom Breakfast Programs: Best Practices Methodology: Case Study of Exemplary Programs Study Participants: school nutrition directors, school administrators, teachers, custodians Findings:  Best Practices Areas  Team approach for planning  Customized menu planning  Logistics of distribution and service  Financial success and recordkeeping  Environment for learning and school culture  Continuous quality improvement and evaluation

13 Exploring the Uniqueness of School Nutrition Programs in Large School Districts Methodology: Expert Work Group and National Survey Study Participants: school nutrition directors in districts with student enrollment of greater than 30,000 Findings:  Top Operational Issues/Practices Encountered  Putting together an effective management team is critical  Serving as the SN representative with district administration  Operating the SN department as a business within the district  Top Characteristics/Qualities Important to SND Success  Maintains integrity  Finds solutions  Creates a vision for the SN operation  Top Training Needs  Handling difficult people with differing personalities  Applying team building skills  Handling conflict effectively

14 Involvement of School Nutrition Professionals in the Equipment Purchasing and Facility Design Process Methodology: Expert Work Group and National Survey Study Participants: school nutrition directors Findings:  Top two resources presently used for both equipment purchasing and facility design are:  Other school nutrition directors  Other school districts  Most had not received formal training in equipment purchasing and facility design  The majority reported not having enough resources or training to be effective in the process

15 Investigation of Issues Influencing High School Students’ Decisions to Eat School Lunch Methodology: Focus Groups and Survey Study Participants: high school students Findings:  Phase I – Identified two distinct types of participants with varying perspectives  Questions to address: Why do non-participants choose not to eat school lunch? What attributes influence the satisfaction of students who eat frequently?  Phase II – The need for developing two surveys  A needs assessment survey measuring reasons for non- participation  A survey to assess satisfaction for establishing internal benchmarking levels

16 Research-based Resources



19  Best Practices to Serving the Nutritional Needs of Pre-Kindergarten Children  NFSMI Best Practice Guide for Implementation or Assessment of an In-Classroom Breakfast Program

20 NFSMI Insight Recent Insight Publications On-the-Job Training for School Nutrition Assistants/Technicians is Essential Vended Reimbursable Lunches – A New Option for Serving High School Students School Principals are Key to Implementing a Local Wellness Policy

21 NFSMI Insight

22 Electronic Newsletter

23 Research In Progress Developing competency-based performance appraisal for SNP managers and assistants/technicians Identifying issues associated with operating school nutrition programs in districts with less than 30,000 students Developing a survey to measure high school students’ satisfaction with school lunch

24 Research In Progress Identifying the perceptions, practices, and barriers to providing a healthy wellness environment in child care centers participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program Identifying the competencies, knowledge, and skills for school nutrition directors in the 21st Century Identifying the prevalence, barriers, and training resources needed to serve school age children having special nutrition needs

25 Research In Progress Exploring the use of Web-based technology for training school nutrition directors/supervisors Identifying school nutrition directors’ and managers’ perception of their role in supporting and contributing to a school wellness environment Developing an equipment purchasing and facility design content resource and Web-based training resource

26 Seven Steps to Influencing Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Influencing Operational Practices

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