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Covert influence/hypnosis 2: uncovering mostly classified information which has secretly influenced your life.

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1 Covert influence/hypnosis 2: uncovering mostly classified information which has secretly influenced your life

2 Basic principles of covert influence  Attract attention (with stories or unexpected actions)  Bypass the critical factor (If the guard at the door is busy with something, then it is easier to slip in.)  Activate unconscious response (anchoring)

3 Techniques for principle 1 & 2  Pacing and leading technique : originally for training horses.  Saying things absolutely true, to lower the shield of the audience and make them ready for the following commands.  Example of Obama’s speech in 2004: American dream -> himself -> John Macane

4 Techniques for principle 1 & 2  Overflow of message technique: surprise people with unexpected moves.  In this way people enter a sudden trance, or minimal energy state, and accept suggestions more easily.  Example: handshake induction  Example movie: The Sting

5 Professional techniques of covert influence  Conversational mode  Onion-like stories  Visual-verbal synchronization  Embed commands  Reinforce commands  Trigger actions

6 Conversational mode  The true intention is hidden in conversations  Message implying a command: Was the door left open? (The command: Close the door.)  Double bind: Will you wash dishes or clean the table?  Same word with two meanings or two words with similar sound. (Example: It seems that you’re like me.)  Vague meaning is also used in cold reading.

7 Onion-like stories  Stories with multiple layers put people (especially kids) into trance easily.  Well structured (just like some great movies which induce strong feelings).  Structured in a special way to confuse the listener (so the true meaning slips in).  From describing he/she/they to you/we.  Metaphors

8 Visual-verbal synchronization  Mimic movements/gestures (delay 2 sec).  Tonality, rhythm.  Use similar words and repeat ideas.  Tempo of breathing.  Speak when he/she breathes out.  These techniques are pacing.

9 Embed commands  If direct commands do not work (no matter how angry you are), why not embed them?  Youtube: Derren Brown Shopping Mall Trick - Explanation  Subliminal messages.  Slightly change some words or use different tonality for the commands.  Negative or question forms (Don’t think of a pink elephant).  Presupposition with double binds.

10 Reinforce commands  Multiple rapport channels  Notice the sensory system he/she uses more frequently.  Hypnotic sentences: when …, you ….; because …. ; it means....  Utilize NLP eye patterns.  Example of overt plus covert persuasion in interviews.

11 Trigger actions  Detect and utilize existing anchors.  Set up new anchors with multiple sensory systems.  Trigger actions with multiple sensory inputs.  Example on Youtube: Derren Brown Subway Amnesia  Example of techniques used by self- development courses.

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