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Tonawanda PE. Goals of the Day Discuss some PE Reg’s – where are we at currently?? Review the NYS Physical Education Profile and curriculum mapping.

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Presentation on theme: "Tonawanda PE. Goals of the Day Discuss some PE Reg’s – where are we at currently?? Review the NYS Physical Education Profile and curriculum mapping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tonawanda PE

2 Goals of the Day Discuss some PE Reg’s – where are we at currently?? Review the NYS Physical Education Profile and curriculum mapping

3 1. Do you have a mission statement that defines the goals and objectives of your physical education program? Yes ? No ? 2. Do you currently have a sequential curriculum in grades K-12? Yes ? No ? 3. Does your current curriculum teach to the New York State Learning Standards? Yes ? No ? 4. Does your curriculum meet school and community needs? Yes ? No ? 5. Has the physical education staff implemented formative and summative assessments? Yes ? No ?

4 6. Does your grading system reflect accountability for learning and performance? Yes ? No ? 7. Does the length of the units in your curriculum provide adequate time for students to achieve benchmarks and standards? Yes ? No ? 8. Are physical education teachers familiar with the current standardized assessments designed for the commencement level? Yes ? No ? 9. Have teachers begun to implement the standardized assessments within the high school curriculum? Yes ? No ? 10. Have you implemented gateway assessments or developed benchmark assessments for elementary or intermediate grade levels? Yes ? No ? 11. Do you have an efficient form of record keeping? Yes ? No ? 12. Are the results on assessments shared with the stakeholders in your school and community? Yes ? No ? Adapted from the Council of Administrators (COA), a section of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD). Administrative Times, September 2002.

5 If the answers are "yes" to the questions below, your physical education program is off to a great start. If the answers are "no," develop a plan for addressing or phasing in these components.

6 First, let’s take a look at the NEW Reg’s…and what’s going on from State Ed.

7 FAQ’s


9 Practical ideas for Implementation Step #1 – Begin with the big picture – what’s your mission? The K-12 physical education department discusses and agrees upon what a student needs to know and demonstrate by the time they graduate.

10 Implementation Step #2 – Curriculum Mapping –Once the Mission Statement is in hand, the existing K-12 curriculum needs to be reviewed to determine which parts of the program address the mission statement and learning standards. Map out the program areas that are and are not consistent with the mission.

11 What do you teach? September?October?November?December?January?February?March?April?May?June?July?

12 Implementation Step #3 - The Gap Analysis –Once the task of curriculum mapping is completed, identify any content that is not being taught but should be taught …..LOOKING AT BEST PRACTICES….

13 1.How do your teachers know where the previous teacher left off? 2.How often do you communicate and collaborate with your colleagues, K-12? How does Curriculum Mapping promote the development of Professional Learning Communities & student achievement? Courtesy of Curriculum Mapper

14 Why Map? Mapping provides a framework for the careful examination of curriculum, including an analysis for:GapsRepetitionsCoherencyTimelinessEffectivenessRelevance Alignment to standards Alignment of content & skills to assessment

15 How and WHAT should we map?

16 Example THEMEACTIVITIESCONCEPTSKNOWLEDGESKILLSASSESSMENTStandards TravelingLocomotor skills, obstacle courses, small sided games traverse wall, climbing, snowshoeing Pathways, levels, directions, speeds High, medium, low, curved, zigzag, fast, medium, slow, up, down, spatial awareness Skip, gallop, hop, jump, walk, run, jump, jog Teacher observation skill checklist authentic Assessments Include Activity from PE profile AND NYS standard and PI It is your unit Your “lessons” in your “unit”  Think, “Table of Contents.” Written using specific descriptive nouns Focus on the vocabulary within the discipline Skills contain action verbs Skills are always associated with content Assessments are demonstrations of learning Assessment types should be varied

17 Alignment to Standards: usually included in the content and skills section; however can also be incl. in assessments – use NYS (and) National Courtesy of Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Curriculum Designers:

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