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Getting Ready for Application Approval Time Summer Workshop June 2007 Melanie Brummeler James Abbey.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Ready for Application Approval Time Summer Workshop June 2007 Melanie Brummeler James Abbey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Ready for Application Approval Time Summer Workshop June 2007 Melanie Brummeler James Abbey

2 2 Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Application Application packets cannot be distributed or signed before July 1 The application packet provided to households must include:  Letters to Parents  Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Application

3 3 Processing the Application New applications should be processed within 10 working days Prior school year applications may be used for the first 30 operating days or until September 30, whichever comes first Eligibility determinations are valid for the entire school year If circumstances change, households may re-apply at any time to receive better benefits

4 4 Foster Children Part 1 and Part 3

5 5 Foster Children Part 5

6 6 Foster Children Part 6

7 7 Categorical Eligibility  Homeless/Migrant/Runaway or  Food Stamps/Family Independence Program (FIP)/Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation (FDPIR)

8 8 Homeless/Migrant/Runaway Households Guidance on Categorical Eligibility for Runaway Youth Reauthorization_04/2004-09-17.pdf Migrant Guidance on Categorical Eligibility Reauthorization_04/2004-08-16.pdf Categorical Eligibility for Free Lunches and Breakfasts of Runaway, Homeless, and Migrant Youth Reauthorization_04/2004-07-19.pdf

9 9 Homeless/Migrant/Runaway Households Part 2

10 10 Homeless/Migrant/Runaway Households Part 4

11 11 Homeless/Migrant/Runaway Households Part 5

12 12 Food Stamps/Family Independence Agency (FIP)/Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Households Part 3

13 13 Food Stamps/Family Independence Agency (FIP)/Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Households Part 5

14 14 Income Eligibility A student is income eligible if the sum of the reported income for the household is at or below the Income Eligibility Guidelines (IEG) A student may be eligible for either free or reduced-price meals

15 15 Income Eligibility Guidelines (IEG)

16 16 Income Households Part 3

17 17 Income Households Part 4

18 18 Annual Income Conversion If a household reports income sources at more than one frequency, the preferred method is to annualize all income  Weekly x 52  Every 2 weeks x 26  Twice a month x 24  Monthly x 12 Do not round the values

19 19 Income Application Part 5

20 20 Temporary Approval Applications indicating zero or no income should be approved for 45 days After 45 days, the household should be contacted to determine if the household’s circumstances have changed If there is no change in circumstances, the temporary approval can be extended

21 21 Approving the Application

22 22 Approval-Disapproval Letter to Households Households denied benefits must be given written notification of the denial The notification must include: The reason for the denial of benefits The right to appeal Instruction how to appeal A statement that households may re-apply for free and reduced price benefits at any time during the school year Households must be notified of their eligibility status

23 23 Technology for Application Approval Local Educational Agency (LEA) is ultimately responsible to make sure any technology used in the application approval process meets federal regulations Scanned Income Application SP 04-2007 Memos/2007/SP_04-2007.pdf Commercial Software used in School Nutrition Programs SP 12-2006 Memos/Reissued/2006-02-09-R.pdf

24 24 Confidentiality/Limited Disclosure School Food Authorities may disclose, without parent/guardian consent, participant names and eligibility status to persons directly connected with the administration or enforcement of federal education or state education programs such as Title I, MEAP, or No Child Left Behind

25 25 Sharing Information with Other Programs The attachment “Sharing Information with Other Programs” must be used when a school/district plans to use information on free or reduced price applications for purposes other than evaluating eligibility for school meals or for programs authorized by the National School Lunch Act (42 USC 1758 (b)(2)(C)(iii)) A signature must be on file from the parent or guardian before any information can be released

26 26 Agreement/Memoranda of Understanding School Food Authority (SFA) should have a written agreement with other entities requesting the free and reduced price information prior to disclosing the student’s eligibility information

27 27 Agreement/Memoranda of Understanding Signed by the SFA and receiving entity Identify the entity receiving the information Describe the information to be disclosed and how it will be used Describe how the information will be protected from unauthorized uses and disclosures Describe the penalties for unauthorized disclosure

28 28 Confidentiality/Limited Disclosure Affirmation of Policy on Limited Disclosure of Children's Eligibility Information to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Memo SP 33-2006 Memos/2006/SP_33-2006.pdf Eligibility Guidance for School Meals Manual Part 8- Confidentiality/Disclosure of Eligibility Information Food Service Administrative Policy #4, SY 98-99: Parental Consent to Release Information for Free and Reduced Price School Meal Eligibility

29 29 Verification Verification Confirmation Reviews– Reauthorization 2004 Implementation Memo- SP 18 _Policy_04/Reauthorization_04/2005-09-27.pdf A Confirmation Review must be conducted to check the accuracy of the initial eligibility determination

30 30 Questions??????? James Abbey   517-373-3347 Melanie Brummeler   517-373-3347

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