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AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Aid in the management and European comparison of Municipal Solid WASte Treatment methods for a global.

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Presentation on theme: "AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Aid in the management and European comparison of Municipal Solid WASte Treatment methods for a global."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Aid in the management and European comparison of Municipal Solid WASte Treatment methods for a global and sustainable approach Presentation of the simulator Fifth Framework Program

2 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Summary General concepts of simulation  heritage  concepts Facts: what is the AWAST simulator?  Integration of “modelling” WPs Use of simulation

3 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Simulator tool is a “cultural” heritage Simulation Waste 1992 1995 1996 1997 Modecom Incineration Waste 1986 USIM 1988 USIM PAC 1992 USIM PAC for Windows ? Simulation statique Dimensionner Optimiser 1994 Hydro- metallurgy

4 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Simulation of waste treatments 1997 1999 REZEDA Mont-De-Marsan 2000

5 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Basic data types in a simulator Simulator structure  Flowsheet  Streams, Nodes  Phases model  Phases (physical) Size classes, components, substances,… Simulator operation  Quantities in streams  Flowrates, Grades  Equipment description  Parameters for each model of unit operation Performances, Sizes, Operating conditions, Others

6 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Basic concepts Stream  several phases  flowrate  size classes  components  chemical elements Process  associated to a unit operation model  or a workshop (sub-flowsheet)

7 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Basic use - direct simulation Supplied data  Feed stream  All process models Results calculated by process models  All streams  Energy balance  Costs Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4

8 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Basic use - Reverse simulation Supplied data  Feed stream(s)  Output stream(s)  Partly defined process model Results calculated by simulator  Missing parameters of process model Process Variable ? As close as possible

9 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Basic use - Objective driven simulation Supplied data  Feed stream  Partly defined process models  Objective streams Results calculated by process models  All streams  Missing parameters of process models  Energy balance  Costs Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4

10 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP7 - Integration Supplying a simulation tool integrating the results of thematic workpackages 1 to 6  WP1: structural changes  WP2 to 6: models development Model integration Simulator development and Validation

11 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP7 - Integration of WP1-3 results System definition - WP1  Flowsheet and phases Energetic models - WP2  Incineration and Landfill models Costs models - WP3  Collection, sorting, incineration, composting, landfill models

12 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP7 - Integration of WP4-6 results Collection, transport, sorting, landfill - WP4  Collection model and software (.xls) Biological treatments - WP5  Database of 3 plants completely defined  Fermentation model Thermal treatments - WP6  Grate furnace incineration model

13 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP1 integration Definition of 50 processes and numerous flows

14 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP1 integration Waste matrix ->phases model and flows data

15 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP1 integration result A guide to draw flowsheets  process name  stream name A database of default values for flows A definition of systems enabling to compare different situations

16 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP2 integration Incineration model

17 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP2 integration Landfill model

18 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP3 integration Collection

19 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP3 integration Incineration

20 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP3 integration Composting

21 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP3 integration Sorting

22 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP3 integration Landfill

23 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP4 integration Software for design and optimisation of collection systems  within geographical limits  Area: community of means  Sub areas: unity of organisation  provides flows, energy spent, emissions, costs  according to collection organisation and means  all basic technical and economic data in open databases Collection model to incorporate results into the simulator

24 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 integration Simulators of 3 composting plants

25 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 integration Complete performance data for all units of equipment

26 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 integration Fermentation model

27 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Fermentation model Can be used for all technologies Takes into account waste composition and chemistry  upstream treatments: selective collection, pre-sorting,…  effect on material balance (solids and losses composition) Can be also used without data  standard values for couples (waste/technology)  set of defined chemical reactions Can be also calibrated

28 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP6 integration Waste + Air -> bottom ash+flue gas (incl. Fly ash)  Transfer function  More predictive model

29 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Transfer function Process description  1000 kg waste -> 300 kg bottom ash + 25 kg fly ash  3000 kg Air + burned waste -> 3675 kg Gas May be used without any data May be adjusted if flowrates are available Not able to predict change in performance if waste change

30 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 More predictive approach Based on phases description and Description of transfer between phases ##Reaction Name 1C -> CO org.1Waste /Corg0.5Gas /O2---->1Gas /CO org. 2CO->CO2 org1Gas /CO org.0.5Gas /O2---->1Gas /CO2 org. 3C->CO fossil1Waste /Cfossil0.5Gas /O2---->1Gas /CO fossil 4CO->CO2fossil1Gas /CO fossil0.5Gas /O2---->1Gas /CO2 fossil 5O2 production2Waste /O---->1Gas /O2 6H2O production2Waste /H0.5Gas /O2---->1Gas /H2O 7Water->vapour1Water /H2O---->1Gas /H2O 8NO2 fuel production1Waste /N1Gas /O2---->1Gas /NO2 9NO2 gas production1Gas /N22Gas /O2---->2Gas /NO2 10N2 production2Waste /N---->1Gas /N2 11Hum -> H2O (l)1Waste /H2O---->1Water /H2O 12SO2 production1Waste /S1Gas /O2---->1Gas /SO2 13HCl production1Waste /H1Waste /Cl---->1Gas /HCl 14Cl2 production2Waste /Cl---->1Gas /Cl2 15F22Waste /F---->1Gas /F2 16Cd production1Waste /Cd---->1Gas /Cd 17Hg production1Waste /Hg---->1Gas /Hg 18HCl neutralization2Gas /HCl1Water /Ca(OH)2----> 1Water /CaCl22Water /H2O 19SO2 neutralization1Gas /SO21Water /Ca(OH)2----> 1Water /CaSO31Water /H2O

31 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Model integration

32 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Result Takes into account waste composition and chemistry  upstream treatments: selective collection, pre-sorting,…  effect on material balance (solids and flue gas composition)  effect on energy recovery calculation Can be also used without data  standard values for waste composition  set of defined chemical reactions Can be also calibrated Can predict the flowrate of combustion air  air regulation for a given set-point of O 2  grades of emissions

33 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Specific challenge (and work) in WP7 Train the partners on modelling and simulation Responsability in achieving an operational tool  participation in models validation Landfill model Transport model Sorting model

34 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Advantages of simulator (1/2) Library of predictive models An original design: Database of real plants data. Results of phenomenological modelling studies of processes

35 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Advantages of simulator (2/2)  Definition of strategies following a big scale approach (country, region, local community):  image, state of an existing situation  study of consequences (economical) of changes of a given scheme. ‚ More technical analysis following an approach at process scale:  optimisation of an existing treatment plant.  Determination of possible progress. Two types of use:

36 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Practical use of the simulator Use in the frame of a methodology for a given objective  sizing  optimisation  adaptation Use according to the availability of data  default values provided (streams, processes)  real case values allow to adjust the models and the simulator  redundant values allow to improve the picture of reality and the precision of the simulator Special skills needed  ability to use concepts (models and simulation)  training on software

37 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Interest of the simulator The choice of suitable MSW treatment methods  Process based approach The optimised management of processing (assessment, control, analysis of the existing situation). The optimisation of the installations

38 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP7 Conclusion The partners results have been integrated The tool has been completed to carry out the case studies The main challenging part of the project has been achieved The case studies will demonstrate the capabilities of the simulation approach and the related constraints for its implementation

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