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HIFI Juergen Stutzki- Co-Principal Investigator for HIFI on behalf of the HIFI consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "HIFI Juergen Stutzki- Co-Principal Investigator for HIFI on behalf of the HIFI consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIFI Juergen Stutzki- Co-Principal Investigator for HIFI on behalf of the HIFI consortium

2 2 Overview HIFI in pictures (from delivery to science demonstration phase) HIFI in pictures (from delivery to science demonstration phase) HIFI in operations HIFI in operations Some science results Some science results

3 Thijs says goodbye – delivery HIFI to ESA 2007 3

4 4 The HIFI team in full swing 2008

5 5 Late one night in the IEGSE room… 2008

6 6 AIV activities – last SFT – successful - 2009

7 7 HIFI in pictures 2009

8 HIFI is the work of humans -Start-up in 2010 8

9 With ups... 9

10 The last months A long spell withoud SEU´s between November 2012 and January 2013 A long spell withoud SEU´s between November 2012 and January 2013 Then Valentine´s day massacre Then Valentine´s day massacre Huge effort at MOC, HSC and the ICCs Huge effort at MOC, HSC and the ICCs Last careful restart of HIFI – a cold restart was never done Last careful restart of HIFI – a cold restart was never done Then we had to wait for EoHe – prediction was around March 1 Then we had to wait for EoHe – prediction was around March 1 Finally it happened on April 29 Finally it happened on April 29 10

11 Single Event Upsets remain 11

12 And are solved... 12

13 Temperature Rise 13

14 Out-Of-Limits 14

15 Herschel´s last measurement (DDT) 15

16 16 D/H is the same as in Earth’s oceans Water in 103P Hartley 2 (Hartogh et al. Nature)

17 Arzoumanian et al., A&A 529, L6, 2011 Hennemann et al. 2012 Hogerheijde et al. 2011 Science 334, 338 Water in disk of TW Hya TWHya: ~55 pc, ~ 12 Myr, ~0.6M sun Water damp ~0.05 ‘aardse oceanen’ Water ice ~x1000 ‘aardse oceanen’ On source int time 181 min at 557 GHz On source int time 326 min at 1113 GHz

18 Pre-stellar cores: where is gas- phase water? H 2 O gas ring n=2.10 4 – 5.10 6 cm -3, T=10 K Expect layer of water gas where ice is photodesorbed Alves et al. 2001 Bergin et al. 2002 B68 Ice H 2 O gas= Ice formation Photodesorption

19 Inferred water abundance L1544 - Simple ice chemistry works! -But need efficient photodesorption of ice in cloud center by cosmic ray induced UV photons X(H 2 O) edgecenter Photodesorption ring Factor 1000 Infall seen, while no star is present yet

20 “Discovery” of O2 - Goldsmith et al. 2011 20

21 21

22 NH 2 CHO SiS C 2 H 5 OH H 2 CS NO NS SO, 34 SO, 33 SO, S 18 O SO 2, 34 SO 2, 33 SO 2 HCN, H 13 CN, HC 15 N HNC, H 15 NC, HN 13 C SiO CH 3 CN, 13 CH 3 CN, CH 3 13 CN NH 3, 15 NH 3, NH 2 D HCl, H 37 Cl H 2 S, H 2 33 S, H 2 34 S H 2 CO, H 2 13 CO, HDCO HCOOCH 3 CCH CN HC 3 N H 2 O, HDO, HD 18 O, D 2 O, H 2 18 O, H 2 17 O CH 3 OH, 13 CH 3 OH, CH 3 OD, CH 2 DOH C 2 H 5 CN HNCO, HN 13 CO HCS + H 2 CCO OCS CH 3 OCH 3 CS, C 34 S, C 33 S, 13 CS CO, 13 CO, C 17 O, C 18 O HCO +, H 13 CO + Currently Modeled Molecules in HEXOS

23 Frequency (GHz) T mb (K) Full Band Model - Band 1a all molecules

24 Frequency (GHz) T mb (K) Full Band Model - Band 4b all molecules

25 25

26 Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact 1994 26 Copyright: NASA, ESA, H. Weaver and E. Smith (STScI) and J. Trauger and R. Evans (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

27 Shoemaker Levy 9 impact now – in water 27 Copyright: Water map: ESA/Herschel/T. Cavalie et al.; Jupiter image: NASA/ESA/Reta Beebe (New Mexico State University) HIFI´s spectral resolution was crucial in ruling out different possible origins and to pinpoint the stratosphere as the location of the water

28 Measuring CO dark molecular gas with [CII] 28 Pineda et al. 2013

29 29

30 L1157-B1: HIFI CO emission Astronomers have long searched for methods to disentangle the different velocity and physical components that makes up a protostellar shock. HIFI CHESS with its high sensitivity and spectral resolution, coupled with the whole series of CO lines has finally allowed that. Three components are clearly visible: the shocked gas, the entrained gas in the cavities and the quiescent gas of the cloud. Lefloch, Cabrit, Busquetet al. ApJ 2012, 757, L25 CHESS REVEALS THE SPECTRAL SIGNATURE OF THE SHOCKS cloudcavitiyshock

31 31

32 32 Sgr B2 N spectral survey

33 WADI – The discovery of H2O+ Ossenkopf et al. 2010 was the first HIFI paper with more than 100 authors Ossenkopf et al. 2010 was the first HIFI paper with more than 100 authors First identification by HIFI First identification by HIFI 33 (Hollenbach et al. 2009) Ossenkopf et al. 2010

34 PRISMAS – Oxygen and Fluor hydrides H 2 O + and OH + detected everywhere; absorption from diffuse and translucent clouds H 2 O + and OH + detected everywhere; absorption from diffuse and translucent clouds HF present whenever there is H 2 we see it even if we don’t see CO or H 2 HF present whenever there is H 2 we see it even if we don’t see CO or H 2 34 Neufeld et al; Sonnentrucker et al; Gerin et al

35 And now even in the Big Bang Theory... 35

36 36 And now post-operations...

37 Acknowledgements In HIFI development approximately 300 persons contributed In HIFI development approximately 300 persons contributed They come research institutes and industry – so more people were involved in these places They come research institutes and industry – so more people were involved in these places The HIFI-ICC consists of approximately 50 persons (not all full- time) The HIFI-ICC consists of approximately 50 persons (not all full- time) In post-operations approximately 35 persons will participate In post-operations approximately 35 persons will participate More than 500 scientists have used HIFI data More than 500 scientists have used HIFI data All of these people were necessary to make HIFI a success All of these people were necessary to make HIFI a success 37

38 Acknowledgements All of this would not have been possible without the very solid work done in Darmstadt All of this would not have been possible without the very solid work done in Darmstadt We didn´t loose a single packet We didn´t loose a single packet We had continuous expert support when we needed it e.g. when we had to recover from SEU´s We had continuous expert support when we needed it e.g. when we had to recover from SEU´s We like to thank everybody within MOC, and especially Ralph Biggins and Micha Schmidt, who were present every recovery We like to thank everybody within MOC, and especially Ralph Biggins and Micha Schmidt, who were present every recovery 38

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