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Summary Report Project Name: Academic Outreach Project Brief Project Description: The Academic Outreach Project is an open software research and development.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary Report Project Name: Academic Outreach Project Brief Project Description: The Academic Outreach Project is an open software research and development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary Report Project Name: Academic Outreach Project Brief Project Description: The Academic Outreach Project is an open software research and development project modeled on a similar outreach activities at the Eclipse Foundation. The Project encapsulates three related activity streams, each of which is based on, or uses the OHT Platform and/or Open Health Tools: 1. student research projects and other exploratory investigations ("Research Stream") 2. development of educational materials, teaching aids, and courseware ("Education Stream") 3. incubation of small-scale, innovative platform and tools projects ("Incubators Stream") Major milestones to date: First Annual Academic Challenge Projected milestones: Academic Outreach CollabNet Education Resource Second Annual Academic Challenge

2 Academic Outreach Project Jun10 Boca Chart Content Education Stream: ----ONC Educational Grant Development ----University Faculty Recruitment ----Student IDE Tool Kit ----Curriculum Planning ----Challenge Content ----Judging Requirements ----Challenge Announcement Research Stream --Federated Health Science Data Centers Incubator Stream --TBD CollabNet Education Resource 2 nd Annual Academic Challenge Topic Timeline updates First Conference Call Project Page Setup OHT–NHIN CONNECT collaboration Strategic Plan First Academic Challenge CollabNet Education Resource Problems recruiting faculty —no faculty incentives ---funding requests by faculty – competitive university issues --Faculty Education on Tech --Annual University Schedules --Other OHT Project Coordination Added Deleted & Changed Milestones Packaging Editions Dependencies Pressures Statistics

3 Academic Outreach Project 24 Month Rolling Plan Jul2010 Jul12 Jan11 Jul10 Jul11 Jan12 2011 US Challenge Topic Announcement (July) 2011 Academic Challenge Judging (April) 2012 Academic Challenge Judging Student IDE Tool Kit Specifications OHT Curriculum Planning 2012 Challenge Topic Announcements OHT Curriculum Planning Explore International First Summer Camp? Academic Outreach CollabNet Education Resource

4 IT Transformations in Free Clinics OHT Academic Outreach From: Tom Gomez – US Academic Challenge Coordinator, TATE Transformations at the Edge (TATE)--the Program Office for the OHT Academic Outreach Project Objective - Implement Free EHRs in Free Clinics around the country The Process -6 hour wiki based Training for Free Clinic Staff and Volunteer Physicians -EHR Providers (current implementation partner is Practice Fusion which is providing an Advertising Free Version of the EHR for Free Clinics). -NOTE - Other EHR providers also stepping up but taking it one solution at a time. Partners -Student Teams & Faculty from Academic Institutions either affiliated with the Free Clinic or that have a presence in the local community where the Free Clinic is based -State Level Free Clinic Associations; Local County Depts of Health; Local Health Systems Current Status -2 Pilot Implementations underway in FL; Working on at least 12 implementations in 3-4 States. Program to go national after first Pilots are completed. Future Plans -Develop OHT Challenge Use Cases for specialized data collection in Free Clinics (2012 Challenge) -Connect Free Clinics to Research Network for Practice Based Research with focus on Disparities Research

5 OHT Academic Outreach Collaboration Overview International Academic Application Innovation International Standards-based Open Source Development Supporting Public National Initiatives (examples) Canada Infoway UK NHS US NHIN Open Source Collaboration & Sharing

6 OHT Academic Outreach Strategies (US Example)

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