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CLARIN WP7: Intellectual Property Rights and other Legal Matters Kimmo Koskenniemi 18 February 2008 University of Helsinki (UHEL) Department of General.

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Presentation on theme: "CLARIN WP7: Intellectual Property Rights and other Legal Matters Kimmo Koskenniemi 18 February 2008 University of Helsinki (UHEL) Department of General."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLARIN WP7: Intellectual Property Rights and other Legal Matters Kimmo Koskenniemi 18 February 2008 University of Helsinki (UHEL) Department of General Linguistics Faculty of Arts

2 WP7: Overall goals WP7 deals with copyrights, patents, licensing, authorization and authentication which are needed for the proper use of language resources. Whereas WP5 works with the standards and taxonomies of the language resources and tools, WP7 deals with the copyrights and licenses of these. The authorization and authentication patterns of WP7 are shared with WP2 where their technical implementation is treated.

3 User LR Collector 1 LR Collector k Author/ Publisher 1 Author/ Publisher k Author/ Publisher n Computing Centre m Computing Centre 1 Trusted Organization

4 Copyright and licenses (WG2A) A copyright restricts the public showing and making copies of a work (such as a text, spoken material, etc.) A copyright allows citations and making a few copies for one's personal use (with some restrictions). A license is an agreement which modifies the restrictions and permissions of using a work. Licenses of language materials allow a little beyond what the copyright would permit anyway (i.e. making a copy or showing the text for selected people) Licenses mostly restrict and narrow down the rights a user would otherwise have (according to the copyright legislation).

5 Questions about copyright (WG2A) An author transfers all or a part of his/her copyrights to a publisher (but does not necessarily know which). Some rights can't be transferred and some can. Transferring all rights need not include all rights. Are individuals allowed to make personal electronic copies of works? What is "personal use"? What is a derivative of a work and how far is the copyright inherited? A full concordance? List of words with frequencies? Common words in several corpora? White/black/grey areas where grey can turn into black or grey at a trial in court.

6 Migration of licenses for materials (WG2A) Migrate old licenses into new standard ones by finding a standard license which grants less rights and imposes more restrictions and use that. If the user believes that he/she has more restrictions and less rights, no harm is done.

7 Automating the granting of access (WG2A) Easy to grant access to whole groups if that can is allowed. The granting of access to individuals should be based on features which can be certified at the site where the user works. If we trust that organization, the granting of access con be automated. This puts special requirements on what facts and commitments the prospective user must sign him/herself and what the home organization must certify. (Avoid criteria which would need individual checking.)

8 To do in WG 2A Build a network of contacts, one in each country. Collect an inventory of existing licenses (and standard licenses). Information leaflets prepared for publishers. Collect information on differences in national interpretations of copyright legislation. Invite various parties involved to the WG: publishers, organizations for authors, potential "trusted organizations" Find out what kind of information can be collected for the applications and what will satisfy the copyright owners. Sketch a set of a few model licenses. Fair use of materials for research purposes also in Europe (as in USA).

9 Retaining trust at distance (WG 4) Study techniques for remote authentication and authorization from the juridical and contractual point of view. What could be done using electronic signatures and when can they be used? Set up rules and model contracts which the computing centres, users, material collectors, software providers, authors and publishers should obey.

10 Trust and credibility (WG4) The publisher/author must trust the collector (license). The collector must trust the trusted organizations and that they correctly authenticate their staff or student users and give correct and reliable information about them (a contract). The collector must trust the centres where the materials are deposited so that they only allow authorized users to access the materials (agreement for depositing and services).

11 To do in WG4 Collect a set of relevant contact persons. Collect existing agreements (between computing centres, collectors etc.) Make an inventory of existing practices of authentication and authorization in universities and other organizations. (How much the organizations themselves trust their electronic authentication.)

12 Language tools for CLARIN (WG2B) CLARIN needs human language technologies for a wide array of languages, cf. also WP5 and WP2. Normalizing, parsing and processing of the materials should be multilingual (maybe some 100 languages). Programs may have licenses which restrict their use together with other programs or materials.

13 Open source tool licenses (WG2B) Tools under open source licenses would be useful for CLARIN software as they guarantee the freedom of maintaining and developing them as needed. The use of open source programs is free (they can be applied to any data and be used even commercially). CLARIN will follow open source principles in its own software where possible. Open source programs can usually, but not always, be combined to create larger systems. WP7 studies existing open source software licenses and produces recommendations for open source licenses to be used for CLARIN software.

14 Proprietary tool licenses (WG2B) Proprietary programs have individual licenses which differ from each other. Some programs cannot be combined with other programs because of (often unintended) contradicting clauses in their licenses. Commercial software cannot be combined e.g. with free software under GNU GPL license. Model contracts for commercial software to be included in CLARIN services.

15 language councils, research centres research projects SMEs for speech technology & dialogue applications SMEs for information retrieval universities SMEs for authoring tool products text corpora lexica as DBs speech corpora tree banks word nets open src LR tools

16 ELDA and LDC (WG3) Become acquainted with the operations and principles of ELDA (agreements, rules and practices). WP7 will define the relation between ELRA/ELDA and CLARIN, and the cooperation with them.

17 IPR legislation (WG2C) Collect members with legal expertise from several countries. Study European IPR legislation and practices Possibly produce recommendations for alterations in the legislation.

18 Partners in WP7 UHEL: University of Helsinki (24 pm) ELDA: European Language Resources Distribution Agency S.A. (2 pm) UTU: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (2 pm) INL: Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (2 pm) ILSP: Institute for Language and Speech Processing - Athena Research and Innovation Centre in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies (2 pm)

19 Deliverables of WP7 D7S-2.1 A report including Model Licensing Templates and Authorization and Authentication Scheme (20 pm, month 36) D7S-3.1 Collaboration Plan between CLARIN and external services (4 pm, month 24) D7S-4.1 Set of Federation Agreements for CLARIN centres (8 pm, month 36)

20 Ethical rules (no group yet) WP7 also considers the ethical rules and recommendations related to the language resources. Recordings and other personal documents need special attention as they contain sensitive data.

21 Commercial or free? (No group yet) Traditionally, research use of LRs has been free of charges but there are exceptions. Some services, e.g. the Russian Integrum offers almost all published Russian newspapers and periodicals in a commercial on line retrieval system which is also used by researchers (but it costs). Integrum probably gets its data free but it gives a royalty to the publishers according to the use of their data. In this way, the coverage of Integrum is exceptionally good. WP7 will study the option of including commercial resources in the CLARIN scheme.

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