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You know more than you think you know!! Male Reproductive System.

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1 You know more than you think you know!! Male Reproductive System

2 Genitals What cavity (5 cavities) of the body would you find a testis? ◦ Pelvic Cavity (lower abdomen) How many testes do men have? What is the singular and plural form of the word testis? ◦ 2, testis (singular), testes (plural) What is found inside a testicle? What is the medical name for the substance found inside a testicle? ◦ Seminiferous tublues that contain sperm (spermatoza, spermatozoon) Where are sperm created? (specific area within the testicle) ◦ Interstitial cells (cells that are found between the seminiferous tublues) Where do gametes (sperm) hang out? ◦ There are special organs in males and females called gonads. Male gonads are the testes and the female gonads are the ovaries. Gametes can be found in the male or female gonads.

3 Genitals continued… Approximately how many sperm are released in a single ejaculation? Usually how may sperm penetrate a single ovum? ◦ 300 million, 1, unless fraternal twins are fertilized which would result from the fertilization of two ova by two sperm cells. The likelihood of having twins is about 1 in every 32 births What is the sac called that encloses a testicle? ◦ scrotum What is the temperature in the scrotum in comparison to the rest of the body? Why is the temperature in the scrotum important? ◦ Lower temp than the rest of the body. This temperature is necessary for adequate maturation and development of sperm (spermatogenesis)

4 Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens) What is the tube called that leads away from the testicle towards the male urethra? ◦ Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens) How many does ductus deferens does a man have? ◦2◦2 What important reproductive element is carried in this tube? ◦ Spermatoza What may be done to this tube as a method of sterilization? ◦ Vascectomy. The vas deferens is cut on either side to stop sperm from entering the urethra. The reversal of this is called a vasovasostomy.

5 Semen vs. Sperm What is semen? ◦ Semen is the thick yellow-whitish fluid part of sperm. What are three areas in the male reproductive tract that contribute to the fluid part of semen? ◦ Semen is made up of fluid from seminal glands, prostrate and boulbourethral glands. What is sperm? ◦ Microscopic cell composed of a head region containing hereditary material (chromosomes), and a tail region, consisting of a flagellum (hair like process). The flagellum make the sperm motile (ability to move) and makes it look somewhat like a tadpole.

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