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P13458 RIT Senior Design Team March 22, 2013 9AM-11AM Dresser- Rand, Painted Post Air Bearing System & Layout.

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Presentation on theme: "P13458 RIT Senior Design Team March 22, 2013 9AM-11AM Dresser- Rand, Painted Post Air Bearing System & Layout."— Presentation transcript:

1 P13458 RIT Senior Design Team March 22, 2013 9AM-11AM Dresser- Rand, Painted Post Air Bearing System & Layout Review

2 Agenda Desired Outcome of Review Systems Design using Air Bearings Fixed System Free System Air Skid Research DECISION for design direction Layout Review Review of Weighting Results DECISION for design direction

3 Desired Outcome Decisions for the air bearing system Pursue chosen design as the main mechanical design component for the remainder of MSD II Layout decision Finalize high-level design and dive into detailed design based on design aspects chosen to be pursued

4 Time Line STOP

5 Customer Needs Review Relaxed From beginning of project (December 2012):

6 Free Slave Frame System ProsCons Does not require permanent station fixtures Stays with compressor through entire assembly Set at working height of 18” Can be bolted to floor for testing Requires level movement pathway More complex frame design Requires bolting into floor or substrate Must be removed for shipping 2 Frame Models necessary (MOS/HOS and HOSS) Compressor frames must be pre-painted Ergonomic issues regarding beam width

7 Step 1: Compressor frame is loaded onto free slave frame system

8 Step 2: Air pallet is slid into the fixture using integrated free rolling casters

9 Step 3: Air pallet inflates and allows movement to next station

10 Step 4: Assembly moves to next station

11 Fixed Slave Frame System ProsCons Eliminates the need to level a pathway down the length of the line Reduces the slave frame(s) down to single horizontal beam(s) Posts will be embedded level and flat in the floor to eliminate need for leveling Fewer air lines under unit Beams can be anchored to test bed for test- do not need to remove from frame Requires fixed extrusions in the floor Can now only set the compressor down at designated stations

12 Step 1: Horizontal beams are placed on the loading station

13 Step 2: Compressor frame loaded is onto and fixed to horizontal beams

14 Step 3: Air pallet is slid into the fixture using integrated free rolling casters

15 Step 4: Inflation of the air pallet lifts the horizontal beams and compressor frame free of the fixture, allowing movement to the next station.

16 Air Platform Sizing

17 The Movable Air Platform will be a minimum of 34” wide Actual available dimensions are pending, possibly larger Length of Air Platform is dependent upon unit to be moved

18 Layout Design 4 layout designs The team created 2 straight line and 2 U-shaped process layout designs. Several detailed factors and rankings were given to help enhance design selections. Feedback Factors and ranking weights Operator feedback People flow Parts flow Inventory Capacity: 2 days vs. 7 days Floor modeling of layout Ability to narrow down areas of major concern and improvements Straight Line vs. U-shaped process design Compare/contrast between layout designs

19 Layout Factors Ranking

20 Summary Table of Results

21 Summary FactorsLayouts abcd Flexibility5152010 Inventory access3101520 Space Utilization3101520 Ease of movement/Operator2015105 Returnability3102015 Movement Time1101520 Maintenance Access1215105 Pass by/Pass through610 5 Future Expansion415510 Total points57110120110

22 Summary FactorsLayouts abcd Flexibility5152010 Inventory access3101520 Space Utilization3101520 Ease of movement/Operator2015105 Returnability3102015 Movement Time1101520 Maintenance Access1215105 Pass by/Pass through610 5 Future Expansion415510 Total points57110120110

23 Summary FactorsLayouts abcd Flexibility5152010 Inventory access3101520 Space Utilization3101520 Ease of movement/Operator2015105 Returnability3102015 Movement Time1101520 Maintenance Access1215105 Pass by/Pass through610 5 Future Expansion415510 Total points57110120110

24 Summary FactorsLayouts abcd Flexibility5152010 Inventory access3101520 Space Utilization3101520 Ease of movement/Operator2015105 Returnability3102015 Movement Time1101520 Maintenance Access1215105 Pass by/Pass through610 5 Future Expansion415510 Total points57110120110

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