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Turning Point in the War. The High Cost of War Over 620, 000 casualties Over 620, 000 casualties 1000’s permanently disabled 1000’s permanently.

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1 Turning Point in the War





6 The High Cost of War Over 620, 000 casualties Over 620, 000 casualties 1000’s permanently disabled 1000’s permanently disabled Families lost husbands, fathers, sons; Families lost husbands, fathers, sons; Some southern towns lost 1/3 to ½ of males over 16 Some southern towns lost 1/3 to ½ of males over 16 Many fighting(& dying) ages 15-21 Many fighting(& dying) ages 15-21 TX sent 60,000 men (of the approx 90,000 non-slave men in TX) 20,000 died TX sent 60,000 men (of the approx 90,000 non-slave men in TX) 20,000 died Terry’s Texas Rangers lost 2/3 of the unit Terry’s Texas Rangers lost 2/3 of the unit




10 Turning Points in the war Vicksburg, MS The Union wanted to gain control of the Mississippi River to split the Confederacy in half and limit the delivery of food and munitions from the west. The Union wanted to gain control of the Mississippi River to split the Confederacy in half and limit the delivery of food and munitions from the west. Vicksburg, MS, was the last key point in gaining control of the Mississippi Valley. Vicksburg, MS, was the last key point in gaining control of the Mississippi Valley.

11 Grant began a siege of Vicksburg in May, 1863. The people of Vicksburg and the Confederate army around Vicksburg held out for over a month under severe conditions (people dug into caves on the riverbank and lived under constant shelling – eating river rats and chewing leather when food ran out). Grant began a siege of Vicksburg in May, 1863. The people of Vicksburg and the Confederate army around Vicksburg held out for over a month under severe conditions (people dug into caves on the riverbank and lived under constant shelling – eating river rats and chewing leather when food ran out).

12 Finally, the Rebel army surrendered on July 2, 1863. Finally, the Rebel army surrendered on July 2, 1863. Grant had no way to keep over 50,000 soldiers prisoners, so he sent them home with a promise not to fight again. Few kept that promise. Grant had no way to keep over 50,000 soldiers prisoners, so he sent them home with a promise not to fight again. Few kept that promise.

13 Turning Points in the war Gettysburg, PA General Robert E. Lee went into Northern territory in Pennsylvania. He had 75,000 soldiers on this march north from Virginia. General Robert E. Lee went into Northern territory in Pennsylvania. He had 75,000 soldiers on this march north from Virginia. The Confederate and Union armies fought for three days. More than 52,000 men died. Lee retreated with over 1/3 of his army dead, including many of his generals. The Confederate and Union armies fought for three days. More than 52,000 men died. Lee retreated with over 1/3 of his army dead, including many of his generals.

14 Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia – one of the key Confederate fighting forces – never recovered from the losses. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia – one of the key Confederate fighting forces – never recovered from the losses. Later, President Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address at a service to commemorate this battlefield as a cemetery for all who died there. Later, President Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address at a service to commemorate this battlefield as a cemetery for all who died there.

15 Vicksburg and Gettysburg constituted the virtual end of the Confederacy however fierce fighting continued for 2 more years Vicksburg and Gettysburg constituted the virtual end of the Confederacy however fierce fighting continued for 2 more years




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