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Canada’s Railway Safety Act Review ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ International.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada’s Railway Safety Act Review ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada’s Railway Safety Act Review ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Railway Safety Conference 2007

2 Today’s Outline Canada’s approach to regulatory reviews Process of Canada’s Railway Safety Act Review Themes that emerged during the Review

3 to Regulatory Reviews Canada’s Approach Many pieces of Canadian legislation include mandatory review clauses. Departments can decide to review legislation for various reasons. There are various ways in which a department can conduct a review.

4 to Regulatory Reviews Canada’s Approach One-Person Review Internal Review Public Inquiry Independent Review

5 Railway Safety Act Review Canada’s Railway Safety Act (RSA) was passed in 1989. A 1994 mandatory review led to amendments in 1999, such as the inclusion of Safety Management Systems. The current review was initiated to address recent railway accidents and changes in the industry. The Review will help improve rail safety in Canada. Context for Canada’s

6 Timelines December 2006Minister announces RSA Review January - February 2007Panel is appointed; Secretariat is established February - March 2007Planning and Panel orientation March 2007Consultation Guidance Document is published April - August 2007Public consultations; Research projects September 2007Panel deliberates and drafts initial report October - November 2007Report drafting continues; report to be submitted to Minister November 2007 - March 2008Transport Canada assesses recommendations, prepares government response

7 Conducting the Review On December 14, 2006, the Minister announced a full review of the Railway Safety Act. An independent, part-time, four member Advisory Panel was appointed to conduct study, analysis, and consultations; and to prepare a report of recommendations. The Panel consulted a wide range of stakeholders. The Panel is supported by a full-time Secretariat.

8 Advisory Panel (l-r) Mr. Martin Lacombe, The Honourable Doug Lewis (Chair), Mr. Gary Moser and Mr. Pierre-André Côté. The Advisory Panel members have public sector, rail industry, legal and labour-relations expertise.

9 Scope of the Review The Review examined the following: Efficiency and effectiveness of the regulatory framework Provisions and operations of the Act Concerns about environmental impacts and accidents Interface with non-railway users

10 Public Consultations Website Public Relations Consultation Guidance Document The RSA Review Panel at a public meeting in Atlantic Canada.

11 Public Consultations

12 Bilateral meetings Site Visits Pierre-André Côté at a rail yard in Calgary, AB. The tour gave Panel members an opportunity to see how day-to-day yard operations work. (l-r) Gary Moser and Doug Lewis examine Transport Canada’s Track Evaluation Car during a trip in mountain grade territory, which gave Panel members an appreciation for rail operations in Western Canada.

13 Research Plan Rail Safety Legislation, Regulations and Institutional Framework Safety Management Systems Performance Measurement Governance of Rail Safety Environmental Issues The State of Rail Safety in Canada Causes of Accidents and Mitigation Strategies – Technical Causes of Accidents and Mitigation Strategies – Human Factors Impact of Technology on Safety Canada-U.S. Harmonization Case Study: Work-Rest Rules Development

14 Main Themes Rule-Making and Application Safety Management Systems (SMS) Safety Culture Operational Issues Fatigue Management Environmental Damage - prevention and response Information Collection and Dissemination Railway Safety Governance Proximity Issues Innovation and Technology Resources Relationships

15 Questions/Comments Visit for more information.

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