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The implementation of the European Commission Recommendation Investing in Children Mafalda Leal Senior Policy Coordinator 7th Regional Meeting of NGOs.

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Presentation on theme: "The implementation of the European Commission Recommendation Investing in Children Mafalda Leal Senior Policy Coordinator 7th Regional Meeting of NGOs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The implementation of the European Commission Recommendation Investing in Children Mafalda Leal Senior Policy Coordinator 7th Regional Meeting of NGOs Children’s Rights Coalitions in Europe Sofia, 28-30 April 2014

2 *Share information & expertise from members * Influence decision- making through representation, policy positions & consultations * Encourage children’s participation * Raise awareness on children’s rights in Europe * Spread information through publications, online channels & social media * Facilitate exchange of knowledge & good practice * Disseminate information on latest EU developments * Support national advocay efforts * Promote joint work & partnerships * Forge NGO alliances to promote children’s rights * Work with other international organisations * Membership of wider NGO pltaforms Eurochild members European Institutions Wider public & the media Other partners

3 THE R ECOMMENDATION I NVESTING IN CHILDREN : B REAKING THE CYCLE OF DISADVANTAGE What is it about?  Placing child poverty & well-being in the broader context of the Europe 2020 strategy, the ten-year strategy of the EU to get out of the economic crisis through smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.  Giving member states suggestions on how to tackle child poverty and promote children’s well-being.  Calling for a child rights approach & integrated strategies in 3 pillars: 1.Access to adequate resources 2.Access to affordable quality services 3.Children’s right to participate

4 THE R ECOMMENDATION I NVESTING IN CHILDREN : B REAKING THE CYCLE OF DISADVANTAGE 1.Access to adequate resources  Support parents’ participation in the labour market  Provide for adequate living standards through a combination of benefits

5 THE R ECOMMENDATION I NVESTING IN CHILDREN : B REAKING THE CYCLE OF DISADVANTAGE 2. Access to affordable quality services  Reduce inequality at a young age by investing in early childhood education and care  Improve education systems’ impact on equal opportunities  Improve the responsiveness of health systems to address the needs of disadvantaged children  Provide children with a safe, adequate housing and living environment  Enhanced family support and the quality of alternative care settings

6 THE R ECOMMENDATION I NVESTING IN CHILDREN : B REAKING THE CYCLE OF DISADVANTAGE 3. Children’s right to participate  Support the participation of all children in play, recreation, sport and cultural activities  Put in place mechanisms that promote children’s participation in decision making that affect their lives

7 THE R ECOMMENDATION I NVESTING IN CHILDREN : B REAKING THE CYCLE OF DISADVANTAGE What can it bring?  a comprehensive approach to tackle child poverty  Political will  Greater visibility to children in the whole Europe 2020 process  More indicators  Mutual learning  Detailed reporting  Better use of European Structural Funds

8 A DVOCATING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATION I. A rights-based approach II. The EU Alliance for Investing in Children III. Using EU funding for social inclusion Related action:  UNCRC Committee General Comment on public spending on children’s rights – in the pipeline  2015 Human Rights Council full-day meeting on child rights: “Towards better investment in the rights of the child”  Eurochild Annual Conference: Better Public Spending for Better Outcomes for Children & FamiliesBetter Public Spending for Better Outcomes for Children & Families

9 A DVOCATING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATION I - A rights-based approach  Taking the child as a specific unit of analysis Child poverty is not synonymous with family poverty. A child’s experience is much broader and a child’s own view has its own value  Placing the responsibility on ‘duty bearers’ Moves away from the notion of need to focus on the capacities of the rights-holder. More empowering.  Demands a holistic perspective Requires that measures are taken in a holistic and coordinated way.

10 A DVOCATING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATION Organisation of children’s rights relevant to child deprivation

11 A DVOCATING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATION II. EU Alliance21 organisations joining forces to fight child poverty and promote child well-being in Europe and promote the effective implementation of the Recommendation. Objectives:  To secure and retain political will to end child poverty and promote child well-being in Europe  To trigger and support reform in policy and practice based on a knowledge exchange to identify what works best for children and their families  To strengthen meaningful engagement of relevant stakeholders in decision-making on public policy and resource allocation for children and build their advocacy.

12 A DVOCATING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATION EU levelNational level Carry out common advocacy at key occasions – e.g. EPSCO Council, EP Candidates Carry out advocacy at national and sub- national level; ensure dissemination of Recommendation to promote reform Draft a Recommendation ‘Implementation Handbook’ Use opportunities from the EU (Europe 2020; European Semester, Structural funds) to promote investment in children Provide support to National Alliances, e.g. on effective advocacy Organise a high level event with national politicians and policy-makers Carry out consultations, participatory activities with children & young people

13 A DVOCATING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATION III – Using EU funding for social inclusion Opportunities:  Minimum benchmarks (25% to European Social Fund; from European Social Fund min. 20% to social inclusion and poverty reduction)  Early childhood education and care  Transition from institutional to family & community-based care  Children’s rights and child well-being  Children’s participation  Family and parenting support  Capacity building  Health and social infrastructure

14 A DVOCATING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATION Why advocate for tackling child poverty through Structural Funds  concrete and measureable: more investment in children  Structural Funds are cost-effective as they promote long-term investments through supporting comprehensive and structural reforms  The demonstrated political commitment that child well-being is fundamental to future economic and social stability needs to be realised  The strengthened partnership principle and local development will give NGOs a more prominent role both for shaping the programmes and participating in the delivery of local/community-based projects

15 Thank you for your attention! Website: E-mail:

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