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Diary of a Slug By Lexi Lauren Wade. April 17 Today Mom laid some eggs. I got a new brother, he's ugly. I also don't like his name. Listen to this, Rico.

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Presentation on theme: "Diary of a Slug By Lexi Lauren Wade. April 17 Today Mom laid some eggs. I got a new brother, he's ugly. I also don't like his name. Listen to this, Rico."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diary of a Slug By Lexi Lauren Wade

2 April 17 Today Mom laid some eggs. I got a new brother, he's ugly. I also don't like his name. Listen to this, Rico. What kind of name is that?

3 Today I went to my friend Bee's house. I saw her friend Firefly,she looked pretty hungry. Did I ever tell you that fireflies eat slugs? yikes April 18

4 I got a little worried so I called home. My mom said I should never go to Bee's house again.

5 April 20 Today mom taught me how to use my manners. I was going over to Bee's house for a sleepover!! I really think I don't need to learn my manners. I'm already awesome.

6 April 21 I went over to Bee's house. They do not eat what I eat, and boy it's disgusting!! Who eats honey from a flower? Why can't strawberries be the new awesome food. YUM

7 April 22 Bee and I had a lot of fun. We laughed, sang, danced,drew,and watched a movie. And we played Wack. Luckily mom let me go. Wack

8 April 22 (Late that night) I got home sick. I think it was from what I ate at Bees house. When I got home firefly stopped by. He came back from a long journey and looked pretty hungry. I told mom but she didn't do any thing, just fainted. The unhappy cloud

9 April 23 (early that morning) I lost my tail that night. I freaked out so much I think he got annoyed and ate my tail, how mean is that!Worst night ever!! My feelings Mad and sad

10 April 24 I stopped being friends with Bee today.I would have still had my tail if I didn't meet his friend Firefly. Sheesh, I hate them. It's all your fault mine?it should Be yours.

11 April 25 School 1. school is fun 2. bullying is not cool. 3. I met a new friend at school, 4. her name is robber fly, She could eat me. AHHHHHH,550x550, 075,f.robber-fly- waiting.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.redbubble.c om/people/cawi/art/2850688-2-robber-fly- waiting&usg=__zVHDU- 43S18CzrxKzC3P4PCVfIU=&h=550&w=550 &sz=77&hl=en&start=15&zoom=1&tbnid=rID B8oV-n_d2- M:&tbnh=124&tbnw=117&prev=/images%3F q%3DROBBERFLY%2BPICTURES%26hl%3 n- us%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D567%26tbs %3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=753&vpy=2 48&dur=625&hovh=224&hovw=224&tx=186& ty=243&ei=RRHsTO7QEoqlcam31f8O&oei= PRHsTN-SAY6GvAON-- R_&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r: 14,s:15

12 April 27 This is my last page and I hoped you liked my diary..But please do not tell any one else or I will get Firefly to eat your tail. The End I love myself.

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